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I understand how you feel. I live in Traverse City Mi having grown up here it was a tiny, quaint, and as my father who has live in NYC all my life used to describe it, backwoods and podunk little town. Used to be no one seemed to know we were here. That has all changed and our town is about 3 times the sized it was when I was a kid growing up in incredible, awesome. fearless freedom. Now as you say, the libs have found us and EVERYTHING has changed. It was so cheap to live here in this little lake Michigan coastal town on the bay. Now most of the people I grew up with can no longer afford to live here. They have moved to the little surrounding towns or just moved completely away. We are overrun with politically correct mean liberals in my opinion. I now wish to leave and forget this once charming, beautiful town where I could feel unafraid and free. I was look at your little town as I heard Ben Stein talk glowingly about it. I'm sad to hear what is happening here is happening there. The liberals destroy and turn to sh*t their own places then they discover another place that is pristine and lovely, they go there, keep voting for the same bs and ruin it for all of us. If only they could be just a little self aware. Makes me feel so sad.
Kelli | Traverse City, MI | Report Abuse

Now, 20 years after I lived there, I agree with you.
norman | Menifee, CA | Report Abuse

please dont be so negative, we all no the devistation that has occured do to liberal policies in costal communities. many californians, oregonians and washingtonites have moved to idaho, texas and elsewhere as to escape the travesty.. many if not most are conservative christian families looking for a better home, unite with them they are your allies... please know that the only way to protect idaho and freedom is to keep the liberal agent out of our schools, that is their secret back door. the attack on california started in the school systems through marxist/liberal indoctrination.. its done through mind control and brainwashing... know the true enemy ...its not the people its the elite, satanic, kabal that seek to enslave all of humanity
Sasha | Auburn, CA | Report Abuse