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Review of Calhoun, Georgia

Cliques....Hard to fit in
Star Rating - 12/21/2006
Calhoun is a charming town, but not open to newcomers. If you have not lived in this area for generations, several generations, it is hard to find a niche. As with most cities/towns in the South, if you are not from one of the Southeastern states, you are considered a "Yankee", which has definite negative stereotypes. I lived here for three years and have been miserable a good share of the time. The South has a reputation for being prejudice, and for good reason. It is not just to those who have darker skin than Caucasions, but to anyone who is not from the ten mile radius of where they were born, grew up and lived, alongside their "kin", their entire life. If you must come here, good luck.
Karen | Calhoun, GA
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2 Replies

oh and I know I am a Yankee I was born in Pennsylvania but everyone is so sweet here. Also maybe you are just on the wrong side of town. (sorry for being mean u triggered me)
Luna | Calhoun, GA | Report Abuse

Wow... I found this opinion a little harsh, with some truth but I believe that it is possible to find your own group of people to fit into. I am in sales and did not grow up in Calhoun, which makes it a little more difficult to do really well, when everyone "knows" everyone. You just hope that your skills and service surpass theirs. I think there is prejudice everywhere, whether it remains silent or spoken. Tolerance for other races and origins, religions, etc. is slower to turn in the south in general. But we are not nearly as "red neck" as we are portrayed.
Yvonne | Calhoun, GA | Report Abuse