Valley Brook, OK Crime


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Valley Brook, OK is an area with a higher crime rate than the US average. The violent crime rate in Valley Brook is 33.6, almost 10 points higher than the US average of 22.7. The property crime rate in Valley Brook is 53.2, which is also over 17 points higher than the US average of 35.4. This data suggests that Valley Brook has a higher rate of both violent and property crime compared to the national average. Residents should be aware of their surroundings and take precautions such as avoiding going out alone at night and keeping valuables in secure locations to reduce their risk of becoming victims of a crime.

Crime is ranked on a scale of 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime)

Valley Brook violent crime is 33.6. (The US average is 22.7)
Valley Brook property crime is 53.2. (The US average is 35.4)

NOTE: Click on the links below to see charts for each crime category.
 Violent Crimes  - Murder  Rape  Robbery  Assault
 Property Crimes  - Burglary  Larceny  Auto Theft
Valley Brook, OK Crime History
*Closest City
Year Violent Murder Rape Robbery Assault Property Burglary Larceny Auto

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