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Bloomington, IN
Bloomington IN Made me hate the USA - I was born in Maine, went to college in Idaho, lived and worked in Florida, North Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana and finally moved here or rather became trapped legally in 2011. Of all those States I listed above (AND ENJOYED!), many are widely considered: racist, backwards, uneducated, poor, miserable and corrupt, Indiana is by FAR the worst State I have ever lived in. I came here to visit friends two years ago and was arrested on three trumped up, bogus charges and threatened with eleven years in prison (do five). I took 6 years of probation instead. Mistake. I should have just done the time and been out of here a year earlier, this State is it's own prison. I have by no means been an angel during my life and have made real mistakes which I am very sorry and accountable for but coming here was the stupidest and most self destructive decision I have ever made in my life. - I live in a town called Bloomington , which I understand by Indiana standards is some sort of liberal oasis in this sea of redneck, retardation that is the Hoosier State. Bloomington is not a liberal city, there is not one gay bar in the whole damn town, yet the local I.U. enthusiasts LOVE to boast how Bloomington has more gay people per-capita than anywhere else on earth. The cops are evil, people are cold, there is very little music here at all despite the fact that IU boasts The Jacobs School of Music. There is a surprisingly large homeless population which is constantly harassed by the police and funneled in and out of the jails, prisons and the so called "5th floor" mental hospital. -The absolute, very worst and most frustrating part of living in "Gloomington" IN, is: the constant and rigid indoctrination that Bloomington really IS a cool place. The people here defend it with the same reverence, fear and awe displayed by a battered women or hypnotized cult follower! The PRETENSE is what drives me crazy. At least in Mississippi, Louisiana and other places I have lived they admitted and acknowledged their situation. They were content and comfortable with their ways how ever skewed and these states had incredible food and culture to off set misgivings. The City of Bloomington buries it's head it's in it's own racist, deaf, dumb and blind sands egotism and simultaneously touts it's hideous, headless corpse around proudly like it's the new Castro District of the midwest. The only thing this town doe not try and hide is it's legal and political corruption. The town is a

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