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Pure crap, all image Don't be deceived by what people on here, or in the media tell you. This place is an absolute dump. It is only designed to reel-in transplants. The people in this city are as fake and dumb as they come. Small city, but very Democratic and more like the West Coast. No, I do not see this as a magical city. People are trying to make this place look fancy and good. Someone on here mentioned earlier that the people are mellow or in-between. No extremists - Which could not be any further from the truth. None of the people here really like each other. This is a pretentious city that tries to make itself look good on the outside, but lacks substance. Most people don't realize that Missoula is just another Democratic city for corrupt politicians to do experiments on human beings that they use as robots. Housing costs too much, and only the richest can afford these houses. They are very good-looking houses, but it's not really worth moving here to work. Not a good job market, not many good industries. Very feeble and sanctimonious city. Montana has good nature and scenery, but the people here in Missoula just do not cut it. This city is all just illusion and image. Missoulian's thoughts are their own thoughts. It looks good on photos and media, but when you finally arrive you realize this is another boring fatass 9 to 5 work city and with dull, passive-aggressive, pretentious, greedy awful people. The city of Missoula may be trying to make it work effortlessly (as a so-called "sophisticated, refined, paradise city") but this will probably never happen.

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