Daggett, MI Rankings

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Daggett, MI is a small city located in Menominee County, Michigan. According to BestPlaces rankings, Daggett has a livability score of 60 out of 100. This score is based on a number of factors such as the quality of local amenities, cost of living, crime rates, education levels and housing prices. The overall quality of life in Daggett is rated above average compared to other cities in Michigan. The cost of living in Daggett is slightly lower than the state average and crime rates are below the national average. Education levels are also above average for the state with high school graduates comprising over 80% of the population. Finally, housing prices in Daggett tend to be more affordable than those found in similarly sized cities across the country. All these factors make Daggett an attractive place to live for those seeking an affordable cost of living combined with good amenities and educational opportunities.

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