Buchtel, OH Rankings

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Buchtel, OH is ranked as one of the best places to live in Ohio by BestPlaces. According to their rankings, Buchtel has an overall livability score of 71 out of 100, making it a great place to live and work. It has a crime rate that is 85% lower than the U.S. national average and is only 10 miles away from Akron, OH, so residents can take advantage of the city's amenities while still enjoying the quiet atmosphere of a small town. The cost of living in Buchtel is also very reasonable and below the national average which makes it attractive for people who want to save some money or purchase real estate. Additionally, there are plenty of employment and educational opportunities available in Buchtel due to its proximity to Akron and other nearby cities like Canton and Cuyahoga Falls. All these factors make Buchtel an attractive place to live for those looking for a comfortable lifestyle close to major cities and attractions.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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