Berlin Metro Area, NH Rankings

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Berlin, NH Metro Area is a great place to live and work. According to the Bestplaces rankings Berlin, NH Metro Area has an overall rank of 76 out of 100. It is ranked 10th best for weather, 32nd best for cost of living, 46th best for crime & safety, 72nd best for housing and 35th best for jobs. The overall rank shows that people who live in Berlin have a good quality of life. The weather score indicates that the climate is comfortable year round and that outdoor activities can be enjoyed most days of the year. The cost of living score indicates that prices are slightly higher than average but still manageable. Crime & safety ranking shows that it is a safe area to live and work in. Housing score reflects that housing may be more expensive than some other areas but is still affordable. Finally, the job ranking shows that there are plenty of job opportunities available in the area. All these factors make Berlin an ideal place to call home.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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