Zip 96749 (Hawaiian Paradise Park, HI) Rankings

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The rankings of 96749 Hawaiian Paradise Park, HI are some of the best in the state. In terms of livability, this area has an overall score of 67 out of 100 which places it in the top 50% of all cities and towns in Hawaii. It receives excellent ratings for amenities, cost of living, and crime rates. The air quality index is also excellent with a rating of 81 out of 100. These factors contribute to making 96749 Hawaiian Paradise Park, HI a great place to live. Furthermore, its education system is highly rated with 8 out of 10 public schools receiving A or B grades from GreatSchools. The median household income is also above the national average at $68,972 per year and the unemployment rate is well below 3%. Overall, 96749 Hawaiian Paradise Park, HI offers many advantages for those looking for a safe and affordable place to call home.

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