Zip 61728 (Colfax, IL) Rankings

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61728 Colfax, IL is ranked #2,015 in the overall BestPlaces rankings. This small town has a low crime rate and high median income which are two of the key criteria that contribute to its good ranking. In particular, its low air quality index score of 21 (out of 100) is a major factor in allowing it to rank favorably among other towns in the US. Moreover, 61728 Colfax, IL also ranks highly for amenities such as parks per capita, number of restaurants and bars per capita, and cost of living index. All these factors make 61728 Colfax a desirable place to live with great access to amenities and safety features making it an attractive community for many people looking for a place to call home.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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