Zip 04268 (Norway, ME) Rankings

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United States / Maine / No Metro Area / Oxford County / No City / Norway (zip 04268)

04268 Norway, ME is ranked #15 in the Best Places to Live in Oxford County, Maine. The data for this ranking is based on a variety of factors such as housing costs, job opportunities, and quality of life. The area has an overall score of 73/100 with a cost of living index at 94 out of 100, meaning that the cost of living is generally higher than other places in the area. The unemployment rate is also lower than the rest of the county at 2.2%. Additionally, Norway has a crime index rating at 69 out of 100 which is below average for safety when compared to other cities in Maine. With its low unemployment rate and affordable housing costs, Norway is one of the better places to live in Oxford County.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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