Zip 13615 (Brownville, NY) Rankings

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The Rankings of 13615 Brownville, NY are provided by the website Best Places, which is an online resource for finding out more information about different cities and regions across the world. The rankings consist of various categories such as cost of living, crime rate, weather, housing, education and health. 13615 Brownville is ranked highly in each one of these categories. In terms of cost of living it ranks 11th in New York state and 238th overall in the United States. Crime rates for the area are also very low according to Best Places's data and it ranks among the top 200 safest cities in America. Additionally, its housing market is among the best in New York with a median home price that is 3% below the US median home value. Education and health scores are also strong with Brownville ranking 7th in New York state for its public schools quality rating and 5th for its air quality rating within the state. Overall, 13615 Brownville looks to be a great place to live for those looking for safety, affordability, good schools and clean air.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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