Zip 17931 (Frackville, PA) Rankings

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The city of Frackville, PA has an overall ranking of #17931 in the United States according to This is due to a number of factors such as cost of living, crime rate, education and amenities. The population in this small city is just shy of 3,000 people and it has been one of the most affordable cities in Pennsylvania since 2011. Education is one area that stands out for Frackville as it features some of the top schools in Schuylkill County with high test scores and graduation rates. Additionally, the crime rate in Frackville remains low compared to many other cities across Pennsylvania. Despite its small size, this city offers a variety of amenities including access to nature preserves and recreational areas like State Game Lands No. 41 and Locust Lake State Park. All these factors contribute to making Frackville a great place to live with plenty of opportunities for its residents.

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