Zip 17777 (Watsontown, PA) Rankings

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17777 Watsontown, PA is a small town located in Northumberland County. According to the BestPlaces rankings, it is a livable place with good housing and amenities. It has an overall score of 70 out of 100, placing it 22nd out of all Pennsylvania municipalities. Its population is 1,738 people with a median age of 39.9 years old and a median household income of $41,179 per year. The cost of living index in 17777 Watsontown, PA is 92.3 which is lower than the national average making it an affordable place to live. Education wise, the town has two public schools: Warrior Run High School and Warrior Run Middle School. It also has an excellent employment rate at 3% unemployed compared to the US average of 3.7%. The crime rate in this town is 6 per 1000 residents which is lower than the national average at 14 per 1000 people. Overall, 17777 Watsontown, PA offers its citizens a safe and pleasant environment backed by quality economic performance and educational opportunities.

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