Alturas, CA Reviews

5 Reviews

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United States / California / No Metro Area / Modoc County / Alturas / Zip Codes
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What BestPlaces Users Say about Alturas

Background Information:
Alturas, California is a small town located in Modoc County, known for its scenic beauty and outdoor recreation opportunities. With a population of just over 2,500 people, Alturas offers a peaceful and close-knit community for its residents. However, some people may wonder what it's really like to live in this particular place. In order to provide a comprehensive view, let's take a look at some user reviews from

User Reviews:

1. "I have lived in Alturas for over 20 years and I absolutely love it here. The small town atmosphere is so welcoming and everyone knows each other. The outdoor activities, such as fishing and hiking, are endless and the scenery is breathtaking." - Mary S.

2. "I moved to Alturas a few years ago and have not regretted it. The cost of living is affordable and the people are friendly. It's a great place to raise a family and escape the hustle and bustle of city life." - John D.

3. "Alturas may be a small town, but it has a big heart. The community is very involved and always comes together for events and fundraisers. Plus, the views of the surrounding mountains are unbeatable." - Sarah B.

4. "I have lived in Alturas my whole life and have seen it go through many changes. While some may see it as a boring town, I find comfort in its quietness and simplicity. It's truly a hidden gem in California." - David M.

Overall, these user reviews highlight the positive aspects of living in Alturas, such as the close-knit community, affordable cost of living, and beautiful scenery. It's clear that for those who value a slower pace of life and enjoy outdoor activities, Alturas is a great place to call home.

 based on 5 Reviews
Get to know Alturas with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Alturas

Crime? - 7/13/2020
Crime seems unreasonably high for this area. Shame. Guess there is no place void of California’s problems. Even way up in the North out in the Read More

Start Your Review of Alturas

A jewel beside the wild mountains. - 7/5/2020
I visited there years ago and camped at Blue Lake in the Warner Mts. This is America as it was in the 1950's, minus all our modern Read More

property - 10/1/2011
I am considering buying an acreage north of Alturas, could anyone tell me what the water table is for drilling? I would appreciate it. Also are there alot of timber 8 miles north. Thanks any info would be Read More

Four Seasons - 7/24/2009
Growing up in one of California's busiest cities and then moving to a small town like Alturas will make you stop to take a deep breath of clean air for a change. Alturas is a small town with everything you need to enjoy life with your family. If Alturas had a bigger Airport to accomodate visitors, this city would grow extremely quickly. Alturas is centered between Redding, Susanville, and Klamath Falls Oregon as your bigger cities. If you live in the Rush hour cities, you may want to visit Alturas and see a friendly environment for a change instead the everyday city life were people look like there too busy to enjoy life with a real Read More

Modoc Co. Climate - 3/11/2008
Modoc County has all four seasons. It has a mild summer, cool fall, snowy winters and a typical spring. Generally our winters are mild some years we have a little more or a little less snow. There is a ski hill on Cedar Pass in the Warner Mountains. Modoc has an abundance of lakes, ponds and reserviors to fish in. Hunting is common of the area. Hiking and biking are also very Read More

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