Greeley, CO Reviews

34 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Greeley

Greeley, Colorado, located about an hour north of Denver, is a relatively small city known for its agricultural roots and strong community spirit. It is home to the University of Northern Colorado and offers a mix of urban and rural living. According to user reviews on BestPlaces, Greeley is a popular place to live for its affordable housing, outdoor recreation opportunities, and vibrant downtown scene. However, there are also some concerns about high crime rates and a lack of diversity in the community. Let's take a closer look at what users have to say about living in Greeley.

1. "I've lived in Greeley for over 20 years and it's been a great place to raise a family. The cost of living is very reasonable and there are plenty of job opportunities. The outdoor recreation scene is amazing with easy access to Rocky Mountain National Park and many other hiking and biking trails." - Sarah C.

2. "I moved to Greeley for college and ended up staying after graduation. It's a small town with a big heart. There's always something going on in the downtown area and the people are friendly. However, I do wish there was more diversity in the community." - David L.

3. "Crime rates are a concern in Greeley and it's definitely something to be aware of. I've had a few incidents happen to me personally, but the police response time was quick and there are some safe areas in the city." - Melissa H.

4. "I love the small-town feel of Greeley mixed with the convenience of having everything you need close by. The schools are great and there are plenty of family-friendly activities. Overall, I would highly recommend living in Greeley." - Michael B.

Overall, it seems that many users enjoy living in Greeley for its affordability, outdoor recreation opportunities, and tight-knit community. However, there are also valid concerns about high crime rates and a lack of diversity. It is important for potential residents to weigh both the pros and cons before deciding if Greeley is the right place for them.

 based on 34 Reviews
Get to know Greeley with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Greeley

Greeley, CO has many diverse features, such as fou - 1/6/2010
Greeley, CO provides residents with good living arrangements, such as, housing (rentals and owned), recreational outlets all over town, fairly good walking paths for keeping fit and trim, a few good stores for groceries, shopping, and for those who are on a strict budget thrift stores. Greeley has many churches providing worship opportunities and congregating with others who are like minded. Greeley, CO is a nice town in which to Read More

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All sesons - 1/3/2010
If you want a little or every season Colorado is your state. Greeley is in the Vally so we get hit hard or not at Read More

imigrants - 12/23/2008
sperling views of the situation of imigrants in greeley is wrong allot of people have the misconception that iligal mimigrants get a free ride on govermont help and it is not true you kneed a social security number for all types of help if you dont have a social security number the goverment will not help you and it has to be your social security number i am so sorry that you are not able to get the help you need but if you were so happy were you lived why didn't you stay there instead of comming to our wonderful town of greeley co and by the way the people who do get goverment help are the one who have children who are born americans the help is for the children not for the iligal imigrants.stop being so bitter and love your neighbor as you love your self and God will help you also. God Bless Read More

Greeley - 3/12/2008
Zach, excellent insights on Greeley. I lived in Greeley for 6 yrs and here
is my two cents worth.

Pros: 1. excellent weather, bad weather rarely lasts long. 2. Very friendly people 3. Greeley has a number of nice parks 4. Greeley has a low crime rate
5. Compared to Boulder,Denver, Fort Collins,Longmont and Loveland, Greeley is
a much cheaper place to live 6. nice place for a retiree 7. nice town to raise a family in.

Cons: 1. awful job market with very few professional job options 2. very poor
cultural scene 3. many jobs in Greeley pay very low wages 4. very little to do, many of the UNC students always leave on the weekends. 5. the K-12 system
is a mess 6. foul smelling most of the time because of the slaughterhouses
7. very limited selection of good Read More

Greeley, CO - 1/17/2008
I lived in Greeley from 1961-1985 and near there in 1999-2003. It did not smell very nice because of the nearby stock yards and Monforts meat processing. If you like cold, snowy winters and hot dry summers, it's a great place. If you read the comments section of the local paper on line you can learn alot about the people there. We liked Greeley, our familys are buried there. The best thing about Greeley is that you are very close to the mountains. Fishing, skiing and camping were Read More

DO NOT MOVE HERE - 1/12/2008
Extremely high racial tension between local white and hispanic population. World famous smell from one of the many local feedlots and slaughterhouses. High crime. High intolerance. No culture. No economy. I unfortunately grew up here. I left and will never be Read More

You need a car - 8/4/2007
You need a personal vehicle, period. The area has not invested in public Read More

Religious - 8/4/2007
There are many churches. And many who I would consider fundamental in their views, whether Mormon, Catholic or Protestant. As an atheist I definitely am in the Read More

Love-Hate - 8/4/2007
Greeley is my hometown that I love, but I feel compelled to leave to find a place that is more liberal, has more employment opportunities for young professionals, and more things to Read More

Very Conservative! - 8/4/2007
Greeley is very conservative. The population frequently votes in the most conservative representatives at the local, state and national Read More

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