Tallahassee, FL Reviews

74 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Tallahassee

Tallahassee, Florida is the capital city of the state and is known for its strong education system, vibrant arts and culture scene, and beautiful natural surroundings. It is a popular destination for young professionals, families, and retirees alike. To get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Tallahassee, let's take a look at what some people who have actually lived there have to say. According to user reviews on BestPlaces.net, a website that collects and analyzes data on cities and neighborhoods, many residents have positive things to say about their experience living in Tallahassee. However, there are also some common complaints that should be taken into consideration.

One reviewer, Sarah, highlights the diversity of the city and its friendly atmosphere, saying "Tallahassee is a great place to live, especially for those who appreciate cultural diversity. The people are welcoming and always willing to lend a helping hand." On the other hand, another reviewer named John expresses frustration with the city's job market, stating "Finding a good job in Tallahassee can be tough, especially in certain industries like technology. It's definitely something to consider before moving here."

Another user, Rachel, praises the city's natural beauty and outdoor activities, commenting "I love being able to hike, kayak, and enjoy the outdoors year-round in Tallahassee. The parks and green spaces are well-maintained and a great escape from city life." However, a different review from James mentions the city's lack of public transportation as a downside, stating "Getting around Tallahassee can be a struggle if you don't have a car. The public transportation system is not very reliable and there aren't many bike or pedestrian-friendly areas."

Overall, it seems that residents generally enjoy the lifestyle and sense of community in Tallahassee, but there are also some factors, such as job opportunities and transportation, that should be carefully considered before making a decision to live there. It's always helpful to hear from those who have firsthand experience living in a place, and these reviews provide valuable insight into the pros and cons of living in Tallahassee.

 based on 74 Reviews
Get to know Tallahassee with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Tallahassee

boring town - 8/31/2008
Tallhassee is so boring. There is not much to do unless you attend Famu or Florida State. Tallahassee is mostly a college town. A lot of college student live here and they party. They say it is a fmily city not. It would not be wise to raise a family here. Take my advice! That is why my family moved to Orlando were you can do so much Read More

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Tallahassee,FL is not what some,say it is (KEEP it - 8/18/2008
The cost of living is too high for the pay to be low,let talk about the UTILITY most people dont know that Tallahassee is the highest in the State.And the jobs(were are they)hard to get.Its not what some people say it is.Its for college student and that why everthing is high.They dont care about familys they care about whos bringing in the money and thats COLLEGE STUDENTS.Its sad,but its the Read More

Tallahassee,Fl College Town - 8/12/2008
Tallahassee is for people who are retired or college student maybe people with money.I think ,the jobs are not here,they have signs up saying they are hiring but they dont hire or call.The companys here like to hire college kids because of what they can pay them.they dont know if the person looking for a job that not a college student would work for what they are paying.That is one of the first question they ask.Are u a student.To me it doesn't matter, if a person have what it take for the job then give it to them.The cost of living is high for the pay to be so low.once again community say because of the student they up on the rent.What about people who just want a better life for there kids and the older people who get SSI or any other government assistant also the people with degrees.As for raisining your family its a great place to be.But if you are looking to better you life I think that this may not be a place to come.I know for me its not as soon as i can get a job and save Iam Read More

capital city - 6/9/2008
We know more about what our elected officil.as are doing than any other city I've lived in in Read More

Great public schools! - 5/27/2008
My family and I moved here about two years ago from South Florida. Wow, what a difference in the public schools! This is a great place to raise children.

However, if you have asthma or allergies, you may want to visit in the spring or fall before making your final decision. It can be brutal!
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Crime in Florida's Capitol - 3/25/2008
Gangs are moving in. Make no Read More

Florida Capital Cost of Living - 3/25/2008
Way too high. Most incomes are minimum wage. No industry. No unions. Just Government and Read More

great place to live - 2/25/2008
I like Tallahassee a lot. Is good when you have family. The only bad thing is that is to Read More

So much to say... - 2/13/2008
Florida in general is a nice place to visit but living here, hmmm. The school system is not the best but it depends on what side of town you live on. The state has always been a crime haven. Crime is on any side of town with some places having more extreme crimes then others. Tallahassee is similar but different then the south Florida. there are more trees in north Florida. The demographics for the region is primarily black and white with a few people with Latin American descant. The town is slow pace with a not so good police force. The county sheriff on the other hand does a alright job. Jobs here do not start off as high when compared to rest of the state and Florida itself is a low wage state. The cost of living in TLH is low when looking at MIA,TPA BAY,ORL. The cost of living in Florida in general is high. I love Florida but it is what it is. TLH is only good for college basically. Not much here to do but interesting people to meet when on the college Read More

college town - 1/4/2008
If you are in college at one of the 3 schools, work in law or for the state, then this place is perfect for you. Terrain and climate are much more like GA then what everyone thinks when you say FL. There are neighborhoods ranging from all classes in all parts of town, plenty of selection as far as housing and apts. Entertainment is easy, there are plenty or clubs and night life as it is a college Read More

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