Owensboro, KY Reviews

20 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Owensboro

Owensboro, Kentucky is a small city located in western Kentucky, with a population of approximately 60,000 people. It is known for its beautiful parks and riverfront, as well as its strong sense of community and friendly atmosphere. Many people choose to live in Owensboro due to its affordable cost of living and access to amenities such as shopping, dining, and entertainment. However, as with any place, there are both positive and negative aspects to living in Owensboro. Below are excerpts from four different user reviews discussing their experiences living in this particular place.

According to a review by Sarah H., "Owensboro is a great place to raise a family. The schools are excellent and there are plenty of family-friendly activities throughout the year. The cost of living is also very reasonable, which makes it a great place to save money and plan for the future." This positive review highlights the benefits of living in Owensboro for families, including good schools and a low cost of living.

In contrast, a review by John K. mentions some challenges of living in Owensboro. "The job market is limited and there isn't much to do for young adults. I find myself having to travel to nearby cities for entertainment or job opportunities." This points to one of the downsides of living in a smaller city like Owensboro - limited job opportunities and a lack of entertainment options for younger residents.

Another review by Lily M. highlights the tight-knit community in Owensboro. "I've lived here my whole life and I love how everyone knows each other. It feels like a big family and I feel safe and supported. It's also a beautiful city with lots of green spaces and a great place to enjoy outdoor activities." This positive aspect of the city's community and natural environment is important to note for those considering a move to Owensboro.

Finally, a review by Mark D. mentions the weather in Owensboro. "Summers can be brutal with extreme heat and humidity, but the fall and spring are lovely. However, the winters can be harsh and we often get a lot of snow and ice." This review provides a realistic look at the weather in Owensboro, with both positive and negative aspects depending on individual preferences.

Overall, these reviews from real residents offer a well-rounded perspective on living in Owensboro, showcasing both the positives and negatives of this particular place. The strong sense of community, affordable cost of living, and family-friendly atmosphere are commonly mentioned as positives, while limited job opportunities and harsh weather are potential challenges to consider.

 based on 20 Reviews
Get to know Owensboro with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Owensboro

Be Carefull when driving in Owensboro - 1/6/2012
If you live in Owensboro or move to Owensboro be Carefull when driving in this town. People do not stop for stop signs or traffic signals. If people do stop at the stop signs you do not know if they will come to a complete stop and you have to swerve into the opposite lane of traffic to avoid having an accident. People in this town do not obey all the traffic laws and do not use there turn signals to make a turn.

If you leave to much room between you and the vehicle in front of you another driver will cut you off in order to get ahead of you and fill the empty space.

The police do not seem to always enforce the traffic laws like they Read More

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LifeLong Resident - 11/22/2010
I believe that everyone here having trouble making friends is trying to make friends in the wrong crowd. Owensboro is ran by Old Money. If you are trying to break into their social circle or the social circles that beg for their scraps of course you're not going to be accepted. Case in point, My husband is from NM. We have friends from California, Texas, Africa, and Greece just to name a few, so it can't be said that all citizens shun outsiders, it's just like any other small town. It's a little backwards in this town being that the best jobs I have found have been small businesses and not the corporations or big banks, etc. The corporations tend to use the towns small size and low living cost as a leverage tool to keep anyone working for them well below $10/hr. But the small businesses can't offer as many benefits so they pay more per hour, in my experiences. As for the comment about the school systems being subpar and not knowing where they got their rankings. All the signs I Read More

Maceo - 11/9/2010
I love living in Maceo. It is only 15-20 minutes from Owensboro. You can see the stars at night. Neighbors are quiet and helpful. If you enjoy being out in nature, hiking, hunting, or fishin, it has much to offer. I like living in the country while having easy access to a city.  Read More

Owensboro is a good start for familes but... - 10/28/2010
I have lived in Owensboro all my life (24 years) It has not been that bad I go to one of the best colleges in town Brescia University. The problem is all of my friends that I grew up with have moved out of Owensboro and I have not been able to make any new friends and I plan to move out of Owensboro once I am done with college.

If you like snow and cold winters Owensboro is the perfect place for you.

Most of the problems I have seen with this town is that they start on one road project and quit in the middle of it to start on another road project and not get the first one finished unless you live on Griffth Avenue or in the richer parts of Owensboro.

One of the roads that is near where I live has been closed since June and I called the city yesterday to ask when they were going to reopen it and the city worker told me that the road would not be open until 2012. They are now not even working on the road and the weather has been really nice. The Read More

Vandalism - 12/9/2009
I have lived in Owensboro, Ky., since 1977.It is the most beautiful city that I have ever seen, in the good parts of town. It was a nice town and still is to a point. However My Honda scooter has been vandalized. They tried to steal it. Some of the youth is out of control. They love to break glass on the streets. I have seen vandalism go from 3 to 5 in a few short years. Traffic is a little hairy at times. They drive dangerously here. SUVS and Big Pickup trucks love to Tailgate. Even the elderly who should be our examples drive irresponsibly. I'm not saying all do, but too many do. It is extremely hard to get a job here. The city is very behind in fixing the streets. Pretty bad. Constant annoying roadwork. It seems like there is a totally blocked street everyday. Yet our Mayor Ron Payne is spending 80 Million to beautify the downtown which few care about. He put a $15,000 statue of a Buffalo here yet there are plenty of poor people and poor neighborhoods here that could have used that Read More

Economy hasn't changed much - 2/25/2009
I've lived in Owensboro for much of my life and yes you do have to know someone to get a decent job here. It doesn't matter if you're an outsider or an insider. The one thing it takes to make it in any economic time is initiative. That can be used anywhere, even in Read More

no comment at this time - 9/25/2008
no comment at this Read More

An "outsiders" perspective - 8/1/2008
This is a scenic area with low crime rates, low cost of living, very clean, very family oriented and a good variety of family activities available here or in close proximity. That said, you do not want to move here unless you have several close friends and family, who are life long residents in good standing. We moved here almost 9 years ago and still have no real new friends. I have met several people who moved to this area within the last 20 years and they also have few, if any, new friends. People are friendly enough, but only on the surface. They just don't accept outsiders here and that also included our teenage daughters, who elected to leave the area ASAP. Many schools here are highly rated (don't know by what standards or by who) and the community is quite proud and boastful in that respect. We found the curriculum to be very "behind" and teaching methods quite slanted toward obtaining/retaining those ratings. Good jobs are not plentiful here and it takes forever to get Read More

good city for families but.......... - 7/26/2008
A great town for families, overall quality of life is good. Crime is low and the cost of living very good. However, job market is dismal, few jobs available and the emphasis is on minimum wage. Truly takes someone who knows someone. Not a good place for singles to be sure...as noted, a family town. Cultural and social life very limited.
People are friendly but it does take time to be accepted into the Read More

Great "Anytown USA" if you're from here. - 3/5/2007
My wife and I had a short 9 month stay in Owensboro. It is a great town with a great sense of community and friendship. It is tough if you have no family or friends here. The job market is rough, to say the least, and if you don't know somebody who knows somebody, expect a long job search. If you have family or friends here it is a great place to raise a family. Housing is very affordable, not much middle class, and if you don't smoke you'll be out of Read More

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