Baltimore, MD Reviews

101 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Baltimore

Baltimore, Maryland is a bustling city known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse population. It is home to renowned institutions such as Johns Hopkins University and the Baltimore Ravens football team. However, like any city, Baltimore has its fair share of pros and cons when it comes to living there. Here are some user reviews from to give a glimpse into the experiences of those who have lived in Baltimore.

According to user "Kate," Baltimore offers a unique mix of urban and suburban living, stating, "The city is a fantastic blend of urban grit and quaint charm. There's something for everyone here." In contrast, user "Mark" has a more negative perspective, saying, "The crime in Baltimore is out of control and it's only getting worse." On the other hand, user "Jen" highlights the city's cultural attractions and diversity, saying, "Baltimore has a rich history and a thriving arts scene. There's always something to do and new cultures to discover." However, user "Sam" warns about the high cost of living in Baltimore, stating, "The cost of living here is ridiculous. I struggle to make ends meet even with a decent job." Overall, it seems that while Baltimore has its challenges, it also offers a unique and diverse living experience for its residents.

 based on 101 Reviews
Get to know Baltimore with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Baltimore

Friends School of Baltimore :-) - 12/9/2016
et al,

Despite the other comments you may read I hope you take note of a different experience. My son is currently attending Friends School of Baltimore. This is his first year participating in a privately ran school. I can honestly say that this school has changed my son's educational experience for the better. The teachers and faculty have been child's champion as they are with all the children equally. They are kind, understanding, informative and flexible. They have made my son enjoy school again and trusted adults in his life.

Thank you, Friend's Teachers and Faculty for a great Read More

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BestPlaces - 2/2/2016
I would like to use this for my website and news Read More

Undervalued real estate - 8/21/2015
There is much beautiful housing here for surprisingly little money (if you come from any big coastal city I can think of). Lincoln, Nebraska may be less expensive. Baltimore's problems are famous, but in many ways -- museums, music, art / music schools, inner harbor, food scene, some effort to address the problems without just sweeping them away by pushing them to the margins and giving their area a different city name. . . . Lousy public education for the most part and not really functioning public transportation, so you'll need a car and private schools for your kids unless you want to get involved in the school system to help fix it. . . It's sad, because Baltimore is otherwise a great (and improving) town.  Read More

looking for short term rental..3 months in safe ar - 6/19/2015
wanting help finding safe place to live (rent) for 3 months in Baltimore Read More

baltimore healthcare - 11/14/2014
Some of the greatest hospitals in the world, if you can afford them. Great for people with special medical Read More

Health Care - 10/24/2013
Maryland has some of the best health care programs in the USA. They include prestigious places like Johns Hopkins Medical Center as well as the chains including the one where I work-Medstar. There are speciality programs including the National Hand Center and the Donor Sites like University of Maryland in Baltimore. Health Care is easy access in Baltimore by bus and Community hospitals offer free services as well through their community health financial programs. Read More

Cost of Lliving in Baltimore - 9/20/2013
Baltimore county was once a fair place to live in. Not any more. the cost of living in the county has skyrocketed Leaving it's middle class, hard working citizens fighting to pay their bills, send their children to school, and buy food, health care ect.
Crime has gong up in the county, even in what was once "nice neighborhoods".Cell Phone thefts are up, destruction of property, robberies and even assault, rape and murder. Illicit drug use is fairly high. Add that now to the fact that the county shut down many factories that kept families going, like Sparrows point and General motors. With the shut down of these two factories alone, families began struggling and many moved away. Then came the tearing down of General motors, the projects on the city county line, and RATS moved into the county neighborhoods. To combat this problem , however, the county decided to cut the number of trash collection days, and spend its money sending out inspectors to see if trash can lids were on Read More

doing better - 3/15/2012
Confuse about Read More

Great Place For Section Eight Voucher Holders-Not - 3/6/2012
I have lived in Baltimore City/County all my life and have worked very hard only to see that the only people receiving help are those that refuse to work or the people that buddy up with the social workers so they can recieve benefits illegally. The cost of living here is sky high and jobs have stopped giving employees cost of living increases to accomodate the rise. Not to mention the apartments and houses here are ridiculously over-priced for the garbage that they offer! The school system here is great for children in magnet schools or private schools. The traffic, not as bad as some states, just plan ahead. And the night life becomes repetitive. So most Baltimorians travel to DC to party. THe city cries broke however the red light cameras speed cameras and new laws are earning millions in revenue! They are doing a pretty decent job rebuilding downtown Baltimore, I must say, but I'd hate to go in detail as to why....its home to me and I love my Ravens but I'm currently looking for Read More

Baltimore as a Whole - 12/23/2011
Yes its a really good city... People have always based Baltmore of what they have seen on the wire and thats not the case. Yes there maybe crime here but no more than that of other cities. I have lived in Baltimore all of my life and quite frankly all of this crap that unexperienced people talk about gets on my last nerve. Most people actually fall in love with city and nine times out of ten do not get their lives threatened so people grow up, sit back and relax, and enjoy this charming Read More

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