Cadillac, MI Reviews

5 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Cadillac

Cadillac, Michigan is a small city located in the northern part of the state with a population of approximately 10,000 people. It is known for its beautiful natural surroundings and charming downtown area. However, like any place, there are always varying opinions from those who have lived there. In this case, we will be summarizing and including user reviews from various individuals who have shared their experiences of living in Cadillac, Michigan on

According to multiple user reviews, Cadillac, Michigan is a great place to live for those who enjoy a small-town atmosphere and outdoor activities. One user, Sarah J., states "I love living in Cadillac, it's such a close-knit community where everyone knows each other and there's always something to do outdoors." Another user, Joe S., shares a similar sentiment, saying "Living in Cadillac has been a dream for my family. We have access to so many beautiful lakes and forests, it's like living in a nature paradise." However, not all reviews are positive. Some users mentioned the lack of job opportunities and slow economic growth in the city. For example, John D. writes "While the natural beauty of Cadillac is unmatched, the job market is very limited and it's hard to find well-paying jobs." Similarly, Debbie M. adds "The city has a lot of potential, but it seems like there's not much progress being made in terms of job growth and development." Overall, it seems that Cadillac, Michigan is a great place to live for those who value a tight-knit community and enjoy outdoor activities, but may not be ideal for those seeking career opportunities.

 based on 5 Reviews
Get to know Cadillac with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Cadillac

Okay to visit - 2/3/2013
I live 15 miles from Cadillac and I agree with Northern Girl. This town is very cliquey and many locals have a very high opinion of themselves. Property taxes are high. The area is filled with natural beauty and outdoor sports are plentiful. The folks know how to be "tourist friendly, " but those who didn't grow up in the area and move here are treated with mistrust and as an outsider for many years. I've lived in this area for 18 years and love it. If someone told me I had to live in Cadillac, I would move away. Read More

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Don't bother - 12/5/2012
I have lived in Cadillac for 12 years and am anxious to move away. This town does not reflect what small northern Michigan cities are known for like helping neighbors and being genuinely friendly. Everyone here is out to protect his or her own interests and clique with only the people who can best accomplish this for them.The blue collar mentality prevents any advancement or arts or addition of assetts to the area. People are generally angry, suspicious and resentful of others. Look to some of the neighboring towns like Mesick, Frankfort, Grayling for that welcomming northern hospitality and avoid the judgemental attitudes in this Read More

Cadillac Has Gone Downhill... - 8/14/2008
I grew up in Cadillac. It used to be a decent, if uncultured, place to live. The public schools were safe, you could actually leave your cars unlocked, and homes were affordable. Children could really play outside without being abducted or learning about sex and drugs from their peers.

These days, home prices are bordering on rediculous, violent crime is escalating, and anything not chained down or protected with an alarm system is likely to disappear. Recently, my family and I lived in the city of Cadillac for almost two years. Anything left outside was stolen, my car (with an alarm system) was vandalized, and our charming neighbor boy, age 8, took an ax to our front porch and our mailbox. His mother was constantly waking our children by knocking on our door at midnight to ask for a ride to the liquor store. Welcome to Cadillac!

Unfortunately, it does not seem to matter which part of the city you call home; the situation is similar. We have family Read More

The good and the bad - 8/30/2007
I lived in Cadillac for 8 years and this is my opinion.

Cadillac has beautiful lakes and National forests in the area that provide a lot of both winter and summer outdoor activities. The city of Cadillac has some what of a depressed downtown area because of the new far north side business district that has brought in stores like Wal-Mart and Meijer which have virtually closed down the downtown area. Just the sad reality of many smaller cities in the United States. The majority of the people in Cadillac know each other and it still has a small town appeal. However, the city has grown a great deal in the past ten years and a lot of people are moving to the area from larger cities in southern Michigan to escape the crime and big city problems. It’s truly a republican, traditional values city so if you’re a minority, meaning black, Hispanic, or LGBT you most likely will not “fit” it. Cadillac is in the lake effect snow belt so they get dumped on with a ton of snow in the Read More

Cadillac is the best place to live - 4/1/2007
In my opinion Cadillac, MI is one of the best places to live in Michigan these days. We are the largest manufacturing city in northern michigan, including the U.P. that is still holding strong. There are weekly posts of 100 jobs or more at Michigan works and other staffing agencies here. We have some of the best fishing in the state. We have Baker College and a branch of Northwest Michigan College. We have one of the state's biggest and fastest growing universities a half hour south of us in Big Rapids. We have a HUGE metroplis area an hour south of us in Grand Rapids (approx 1.5 million population area) and we also have the ever fast growing and beautiful Grand Traverse area just a short 40 miles up the road. Seriously Cadillac is the best place to live in Michigan Read More

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