Sequim, WA Reviews

30 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Sequim

Sequim, Washington is a small city located in the Olympic Peninsula. It is known as the "Lavender Capital of North America" and has a population of around 7,000 people. It is a popular retirement destination due to its mild climate and scenic surroundings.

According to user reviews on, many people have positive things to say about living in Sequim. One reviewer, Karen, describes the city as a "hidden gem" with "beautiful views and friendly people." Another user, Emily, praises the city for its "low crime rate and small-town feel." Another reviewer, John, highlights the recreational opportunities in Sequim, stating "there are endless hiking trails and outdoor activities to enjoy." However, not all reviews are glowing. Susan expresses disappointment with the lack of diversity in the city, stating "It can feel isolating if you're not part of the retired, white community." Another user, Mark, mentions that the cost of living is on the higher side in Sequim. He writes, "Housing prices are inflated due to the high demand from retirees." Despite some drawbacks, the majority of user reviews paint a positive picture of living in Sequim.

 based on 30 Reviews
Get to know Sequim with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Sequim

Meh. - 5/5/2023
I moved to Sequim in 2013. Being here for the last 10 years I have seen a lot of changes. It is not for the better. As a 38 year old single mother to a teenage boy, I can give some deeper insight for the “younger” generations of what to expect. This will be long, but I hope it seems thorough.

- If you have school aged children or grandchildren, I would not recommend the public school system. Unfortunately as in many areas, schools are underfunded and are unable to perform to their full potential. It’s not a horrible school district, but everything stays the same and there is no growth or opportunity for development. However, that can be applied to everything else going on in this community or lack thereof.
-There isn’t much for kids to do around here after school except for The Boys and Girls Club. Their program is wonderful! I am grateful for this and have seen how much my child has grown into a more mature, responsible young man with this program’s help. Outside Read More

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Don't believe the latest rave reviews! - 4/20/2021
Take note of all the recent positive remarks about Sequim. Most all are either realtors, business owners, or local tribal members who own and dictate to this entire town, or transplant Democrats who are seeking more of the same company. Local people are leaving in droves, getting good money for their homes from democrats who are tainting this area, and heading to law-abiding and less corrupt towns.
We lie directly beside Port Angeles. Look at the wreck that town has become. It's already filtered into Sequim. This town is going the way of Issaquah and Bellevue...packed with homes too expensive for the local youth to buy, and pavement replacing meadows. It's a disgusting Read More

Not what it was - 4/4/2021
Sequim used to be a wonderful place to live. The beautiful farms are almost all gone and replaced with trailer parks, clutters of homes, townhomes. It has been invaded with implants from other states. The new regional Mat clinic, mental ward ,right downtown main street will be bringing in drug addicts from other counties with no housing here for our locals and now they have to compete with the imported drug addicts for low cost housing. We have no 24 hour medical clinic, or a hospital. This is all funded with government money.. So many of the locals are moving and just more implants are coming in .If you are trying to get away from all of this drug addict crazies, homeless areas you don't want to move here. The only one that like are the real estate Read More

We Love It Here! - 3/21/2021
My husband and I moved to Sequim from Orange County, CA nearly 7 years ago. Sequim is a blessing to us. If we get the urge to travel a bit, there are many places to venture out to see, within a few hours or less. We've been twice to Victoria, BC, Whidbey Island, and explored the San Juan Islands by ferry. Seattle is within a few hours by car and ferry across Puget Sound, or drive around. Things are indeed changing in Sequim since our arrival. Two of our neighbors also moved here from S. CA, and some from Phoenix, AZ and one from AK. So yes, Sequim has been found and is growing. I hope not too fast.
We do lack in skilled workers though. It often takes an inordinate amount of time to get a plumber, electrician, or most anyone skilled in the trades to do a project.
Mechanics sometimes require a week or more advance notice for an appointment.
Seems this area would be a great opportunity for new businesses which have these services. They would definitely prosper.Read More

A Breath Of Fresh Air - 3/19/2021
Sequim is the one of the final places in Western Washington where one may enjoy a perfect blend of just enough infrastructure without being overwhelming, with a blend of mountainous beauty, farmland, ranches, country, salt water beaches, and water.
Outdoor activities are many, From hiking, fishing, kayaking, hot air ballooning, farmers markets, flea markets, car shows, various festivals, to walking, running, bicycling, or even riding your horse along the paved Olympic Discovery Trail, which runs from Port Townsend, through Sequim, and ends in Port Angeles.
Sequim boasts beautiful views. We are close to the Olympic Rain Forest and its wonders, as well as the Pacific Ocean beaches.
The area is well known to birders, as numerous eagles, hawks, and songbirds are numerous. You will occasionally find an artist putting these beautiful surroundings and vistas to canvass.
The only downside I can think of would be for someone looking for the urban city life and what it Read More

Sequim is a failed town. - 2/6/2021
Forget all the prior reviews, as Sequim has changed dramatically within the last year, actually.
Since the county and city leadership turned democrat due to the the influx of transplants, liberal "values" have created a town where the police are not allowed to enforce the law, resulting in an ever-increasing amount of daily property crime, vandalism and theft. Even businesses have stopped attempting to prosecute or even stop shoplifters. I know, because people working in those businesses have told me so. Add street bums asking for handouts rather than working to the mix. They are on practically every corner. The town had a convicted sex offender begging for cash, and naïve, ignorant liberals gave him cash. The lack of law meant burgeoning and filthy homeless camps all over town. They live in old campers in store parking lots, which are ignored by store owners and the law.
Sequim and the city leaders thrive on government grants. Million of dollars worth. Grant money has Read More

A Place For Successful, Hard Working People - 11/18/2018
There is a reason the population has increased here by nearly 90% growth in the last 17 years. People want to live here. Sequim's infrastructure is finally catching up with the population. In addition, I am seeing MANY more young families living here. People want to raise their children away from the city crime and well as being in a community which is strong in family values. This is place where people are active and love the mountains, rivers, trails, ocean and straits...and the entertainment and peace they provide. No, it is isn't inexpensive to live here. But people who do live here can afford it because of their hard work to achieving financial success, whether it be through formal education or trade. We love people who earn their Read More

Less than 1% Job Growth & It Shows in Sequim - 9/2/2018
Read the stats on this website: public administrators in Sequim make $70k a year which is $14k more than the average in Washington State, while the average earnings a person takes home in Sequim is $25k, which is less than the national average and far, far below the pay of the Sequim city manager who makes $90-100k a year for making sure Sequim progresses with job growth at a rate of less than 1% a year; the unemployment rate in Sequim is higher than the national average, and many people working are only doing it for the health insurance because they're close to retiring; job growth has been less than 1% for the past year, and it shows in Sequim. The Clallam County economic council even had a report that showed this area is basically doomed due to the regulations that are taxing away the life that's out here. Yeah, Sequim's great, if you're retired, from California, or a millionaire on Bell Hill. Read More

hellhole - 5/10/2018
Gossiping locals who don't want you there to begin with, because they serve as the serf labor to provide the retireees with their services. this is a place to die, not to live. Read More

Sequim a slice of Heaven - 5/9/2018
If I won the lottery and could live anywhere, I'd still live in Sequim.

It has all the mild weather of Seattle and the Pacific Northwest without the rain. (Less than 15 inches a year). We have the Pacific Ocean, Olympic National Park, Olympic Mountains.

Sequim has a well educated population and very little crime. (a lot of people don't even lock their doors)

The age is the population is older. (Mostly retirees from Seattle and California) Most tend to be very supportive and friendly.  Read More

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