New York Reviews

123 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about New York

New York is a diverse and bustling state known for its busy cities, lively cultural scene, and rich history. With a population of over 19 million people, it is the fourth most populous state in the US. Many people are drawn to New York for its job opportunities, world-renowned universities, and vibrant atmosphere. However, like any place, it also has its drawbacks, such as high cost of living and crowded living spaces.

User reviews on provide a unique insight into the experiences of those who have lived in New York. One reviewer, Anna, highlights the variety of opportunities in the state, stating "New York is truly the land of opportunities. From finance to fashion, there's something for everyone." Another reviewer, John, praises the state's cultural scene, saying "I love living in New York because there's always something to do. Museums, concerts, festivals, you name it." However, not all reviews are positive. Sarah shares her frustrations with the high cost of living, stating "I moved to New York for a job, but the cost of living is so high that it's hard to save up or afford anything other than a small apartment." Another reviewer, Michael, echoes this sentiment, saying "The traffic and crowds in New York can be overwhelming, and the cost of living is outrageous. It's not an easy place to live." Overall, while there are many positives to living in New York, these reviews show that it may not be the right fit for everyone and that the high cost of living is a common concern among residents.

 based on 123 Reviews
Get to know New York with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited New York

Retirement expense - 12/17/2014
New York State has higher taxes than many states and that effects ones ability to retire comfortably. The long winter creates an additional cost for heating as Read More

Start Your Review of New York

Long Island, all in all, STINKS! - 2/2/2014
Long Island is absolutely by far the worst place I've ever lived in my life & I'm going on 60 years old. The summers are unbearably hot & humid, it's nothing but a hideous conglomeration of malls, stores, & urban wasteland, the traffic is absolutely insane, & all the people are nasty, paranoid, shallow, neurotic, money-oriented jerks! It is grossly overcrowded at 5,402 people per square mile. The rich kids are spoiled rotten & disrespectful, & the poor kids are belligerent, dangerous, & disrespectful. It's ridiculously expensive & unless you're a high-level professional it's almost impossible to make ends meet. I lived there for 18 years & let me tell you, when I moved away, I shook the dust from my feet & swore I'd never go back again. I haven't, Read More

Taxes, taxes, taxes - 11/23/2013
It just keeps getting worse. I make 20% more than the average for the area and still struggle. State and local taxes go up every year. No surprise people are leaving NY in Read More

Long Island weather - 9/11/2013
Living on the South Shore of Long Island we are the first -in line to get hit with the hurricanes etc that our fall weather is notorious for. On avg I would say there are about 30 nice enough days out of the year to enjoy. Winter-cold windy-n'easters-snow and tons of moisture all year round! Summer 85 avg with 80pct humidity-it may look nice outside but you'll regret stepping out the front door-unbearable! For every 2 days of decent weather-rain -humidity-always a chance of thunderstorms and should you enjoy that type weather-get ready for hi risk of west Nile Virus from the 20 mosquito bites you'll get in an hour-love all the pesticides they spray over us!! Oh-Spring-if we are lucky to have one (every few years we are!) don't even think about opening a window coz you-everything you own and every pet will be green from Pollen!! Looks real pretty in pics tho!! Ever wonder why NYers are stereotypically known as unfriendly? Every other day and every single is a battle of extremes-Good Read More

In the Mountains - 5/6/2013
New York can be very beautiful north and west of NYC. We have low crime and beautiful weather in summer. Winter can be too long for seniors, but the medical care is very Read More

binghamton NY - you have to find your community - 1/31/2013
And its not easy, it took me over a year. Binghamton is kind of depressed but it is looking up. At least it's headed in the right direction. No trains. Bus to NYC is about 3 hours. Beware of student housing. Land lords take advantage of the student community. Consult a crime map before moving into a Read More

Love New York - 10/25/2012
We have lived in New York all our lives, my partner is a born New Yorker who has travelled to many countries. We love New York, but can't stand the winter cold anymore and the cost of living is getting out of hand. So we are both looking to retire out of New Read More

High Cost is driving me out!! - 9/27/2012
I've lived on Long Island, NY for all my life and now at 46 are looking to get out because of the high cost and unemployment levels. LI used to be a great place with friendly people but now it's more competitive in everything from homes to cars, not very friendly people anymore and many clicks. Need that friendly feeling and genuine goodness and NY is not the place for that Read More

NY Big City of Dreams - 9/10/2012
NY is getting a makeover, apertments and homes. Unfortunatly they are too expensive for newyorkers in this current economy. The future doesn't look bright for the middle class family in Read More

cost of living - 7/17/2012
high cost of living in new york Read More
