United States / New Mexico / Albuquerque Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Albuquerque, New Mexico

Dear Robert from Denver
Star Rating - 10/12/2007
I lived in Albuquerque for six years. You spent one night there and obviously are already embedded with prejudiced/racist notions of who someone is based on their ethnicity, age, and appearance. These guys probably picked up on your racist rednecked vibe (so completely negative) and therefore you got a negative response from them...which is really not much of a response at all other than they were concerned that you hit their car...I'm not saying that there aren't gangs there or that there are rude/mean people there...but the language of your post suggests someone with some deeply-rooted racist beliefs. Why don't you go out and meet some people that don't totally reflect your life and see the beauty in differences.
kristin | Denver, CO
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Robert, "little hispanic guys". I have little tolerance for racial biases. You obviously have no idea what the Hispanic or Native American cultures have brought to a city like Abq. First, let me give you some advice. Eat New Mexican in Abq, like Sadies or El Pinto. If you must have pizza, try someplace local like Pudge Bros or Village. Third, keep your nose in your own business. Sounds like you did owe those men an apology. Finally, get some diversity in your life and get out of your bubble. Let me guess, are you one of those Denverites with a NATIVE sticker on your car because you're better than everyone else? It is just wrong to stereotype a city because you received a bad response for being rude to people.
Shane | Albuquerque, NM | Report Abuse

William, wow, you have floored me with this response. To be so bigoted and racist on this forum is an abuse of the system. Let me recap your post, hispanics are: hostile, beligerant, babbling, violent, your repeated use of the term them or they and then your nice little capitalization of a racial slur. Go back to your compound in Montana with your supremacist friends. Your ancient thinking saddens and appauls me. Maybe you should try to cozy up with someone other than your white inner circle group of friends and expand your culture and thinking. Diversity is a good thing, the world is not us against them, we are all in this together.
Shane | Albuquerque, NM | Report Abuse

I (a gringo) grew up living next door and across the street from two families of "Hispanics." We treated each other like brothers and sisters, like family. Not a hint of racial prejudice was ever expressed by our parents. I started learning to speak Spanish at the same time I was learning to speak English. We slept over each other's houses, we ate each other's food that our moms cooked. I will forever love arroz con pollo, but only if it tastes the same way that Mrs. Hernandez cooked it. We played together and got into trouble together. We looked out for each other. We loved each other. That's what my "barrio" was like. I feel sorry for people who are prejudiced, no matter who they are. My life was enriched by diversity and I will forever be thankful. Prejudice hurts everyone!
Gregory | Kailua Kona, HI | Report Abuse

There will always be people in this world that are angry at life and bitter about it. They are mean to everyone, no matter what color your skin is.. and they are everywhere. I am a dark skinned Native American (woman) and while at Disneyland a couple of weeks ago i had someone who looked of Hispanic background get in my face. I was trying to get through a crowd of people back to where my family was seated waiting for the fireworks to begin. When I came to this group of people, the men stood as a wall before me and took the "guard dog" stance. When I asked politely if I might maneuver around them to get to my family the guy gets up in my face and says "What do you want me to do about it?" with quite a hostile tone. At Disneyland..."The Happiest Place on Earth" mind you. "uh, can I squeeze by you please?" Everyone else had up to that point. "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ABOUT IT?" making gestures with his arms, like the "c'mon, hit me" moves. Oh brother! I had to backtrack and choose another route. My daughter's boyfriend had just proposed to her on one knee in front of the castle... and this guy's nasty attitude really put a damper on my joy. Was it because of the color of my skin? I don't think so. Most people don't know what my nationality is... It was because there is hatred and anger in the world and there always will be. You will see it no matter where you go. I don't necessarily see Robert from Denver as a racist. He's just a white dude trying to do his thing. Give the guy a break.
Kathi | Lake Havasu City, AZ | Report Abuse

I am not quite sure what exactly is being argued here, but I DO have to add a comment to the last person here, William. I have been married to a mexican for almost 13 years now, and I am american. I have visited mexico and lived there 3 months the 1st time and 10 months the 2nd time. I used to live in Oklahoma before moving to Nebraska, and my whole social life in Ok was hispanic. My co workers, supervisor, manager, friends, in laws and list goes on. Mexicans are NOT hostile and beligerent to whites!! Not that I have EVER witnessed in a single one of the hundreds of hispanics I have known. It's the other way around!! They are always the ones being judged, condemned and criticized. They are very friendly, outgoing, and workaholics. A LOT of what is now our country, the U.S.A., used to be mexico if you study your history. what if we had never gotten it all, and it still was Mexico and WE were the intruders?? THen what would the attitude be? The majority of them arent here for the sheer pleasure of it, they are here leaving ther families behind because they feel its the only way to support them and keep them alive and well. What would you be willing to do for your kids and family members?? If you have ever met a rude one, or hostile, just imagine this...how would YOU feel if you had no other choice but to leave your country, family, and all behind to go work your butt off in another country where you dont know anyone, or the language, or anything, so have to work even harder to learn it to get anywhere, homesick daily, struggling daily then to top it off judged and criticized and dealt with racists on top of all that?? And to finish my little sopa box stance, last I read in the Bible, God created MANY nations, not just us the glorious white folk, and Jesus who was the best man who ever walked the earth wasn't white either, so I don't see the point of ANYbody's racism or negativity!! EVERYBODY has feelings, and the right to pursue happiness. I apologize if I happen to offend anyone but had to add my 2 cents worth too.
nicole | Scottsbluff, NE | Report Abuse

I'm from Denver and I have been living in Santa Monica, CA for two years. From my experience Denver has a lot of racist people but a lot of open minded people as well but the economy has changed drastically. On the other hand racism and violence is rampant in SoCal and I have decided to move to ABQ. The problem with people from Denver and SoCal is that they are quick to assume and judge.
Jade | Santa Monica, CA | Report Abuse

Re: view of Kristen of Pine, CO to Robert of Denver. Would you really know diddly from shinola? Your naive reply to Robt, and his foolish actions as he described them, proves to me that both of you two don't know the nature of hiSPanICS. You don't go up to them about any inappropiate action on their part and mention it. They take offense at everything, no matter how slight or politely presented, and regardless of how inconsiderate they are being. They babble much nonsense about others showing them proper "respect". You'll look in vain for any from them. As a whole Hispanics are hostile and beligerent to whites. Those persons Robert encountered might well have been capable of and likely to attack him. He should never have talked to them. Better he should've called the police. While you're at it, why don't you go cosy up to those people and see how unlikely they are "to see the beauty in differences."
William | Portland, OR | Report Abuse
- 4/5/2019
I've lived in both cities, Albuquerque Wins!!
I was born in Santa Fe NM in 1969. My father is a retired Army officer, so at 12 years old...
Charles | Albuquerque, NM | 1 Reply

- 12/14/2018
Green Chile
Lived here for 31 years. Loved it....
Orlando | Bosque Farms, NM | No Replies