United States / Colorado / 19740 / Denver County / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Denver, Colorado

Star Rating - 3/3/2021
I've lived in Denver for over 30 years and have slowly watched Colorado go from a neat place to live to an absolute armpit. The government is very oppressive, the police are brutal, the homeless are everywhere, the mayor is a radical leftist and there's so much california trash moving into the city and surrounding suburbs that vote like californiaians (stupidly) and are destroying a once beautiful and wonderful place to live. They bring their radical california ideas here and expect colorado to be different. I'd give it another 5 years and you'll see colorado struggling just like that armpit california. colorado will the the left armpit and califronia will be the right
al | Littleton, CO
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2 Replies

Agree 100%. Had moved to Denver from Chicago in 2009. By 2020, I was counting the days, minutes to move out of the state. Colorado as beautiful of a state it is, the rest of it has fallen off a cliff. Dirtbags, druggies, homeless, radical left wing politics, defund police, hands off look the other way police policy, crime is off the charts but goes unreported and do not forget the sanctuary state policies that does not attract law abiding professional tax paying citizens. Goodbye Forever CO, it was nice knowing you before you went down the abyss!
OutofMileHigh | Bradenton, FL | Report Abuse

Agree 100%. Had moved to Denver from Chicago in 2009. By 2020, I was counting the days, minutes to move out of the state. Colorado as beautiful of a state it is, the rest of it has fallen off a cliff. Dirtbags, druggies, homeless, radical left wing politics, defund police, hands off look the other way police policy, sanctuary state that does not attract law abiding professional tax paying citizens. Goodbye forever CO, it was nice knowing you before you went down the abyss!
OutofMileHigh | Bradenton, FL | Report Abuse