Colorado Reviews

79 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Colorado

Colorado is a popular state known for its beautiful landscapes, outdoor activities, and thriving job market. Many people are drawn to its vibrant cities and charming small towns. However, as with any place, there are both positive and negative aspects of living in Colorado. In this context, I will summarize comments from various users on about their experiences living in Colorado.

According to user Karen M., "Colorado is an amazing state with endless opportunities for outdoor adventures. The people are friendly and the quality of life is great." Similarly, user Dan R. describes Colorado as a "gorgeous state with plenty of opportunities for hiking, skiing, and enjoying the great outdoors." These positive reviews highlight the state's natural beauty and the abundance of recreational activities.

On the other hand, user Sarah H. shares a different perspective, stating that "the cost of living in Colorado has become unaffordable. Housing prices are skyrocketing and it's difficult to find affordable rentals." Another user, Jake B., echoes this sentiment, saying "the job market in Colorado is competitive and the cost of living is high. It's definitely not a cheap place to live." These reviews highlight some of the challenges and drawbacks of living in Colorado.

Overall, many users on seem to agree that Colorado is a beautiful and dynamic state with plenty to offer, particularly for outdoor enthusiasts. However, there are also concerns about the rising cost of living and competitiveness in the job market. Ultimately, whether or not Colorado is the right place to live will depend on an individual's priorities and preferences.

 based on 79 Reviews
Get to know Colorado with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Colorado

Think Twice Please - 10/5/2020
I've lived here since 1996 [when I was 9] and have to say it used to be a five-star state. Great views, fairly average cost of living.110.0 in Denver 12 years ago on this website. CO Springs was only 107. Today, you will spend 6-15x income on a home, never get up to the mountains, be surrounded by others who eat up the backcountry, leaving nothing but shredded powder for weeks. The housing prices and rents are so high now that we barely sit below California in terms of cost of living. My former coworker bought her home in Boulder for $110k in 2001. Adjusted for inflation that is only $190k. Today, it would sell for >$700k. The same things that make the idea of Colorado great (what it was in 2000) are what drives up the prices and makes finding the true West impossible in this state. We now have as many people coming in as leaving, at least right before the pandemic. If you want to be here plan on: a) having more than one job unless you are in teh < 15% who make more than 70k [that is Read More

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Colorado is Awedome - 8/8/2019
I’m from Oklahoma and I absolutely love Colorado!!!! I plan on moving around the Castle Rock or Monument area once I retire from the military. Housing is expensive in Colorado, but I’m willing to pay more for housing to get away from this God forsaken state.

I don’t believe people from Colorado know how blessed they are with the natural beauty and activities available in their state to comment negatively about it. In Oklahoma it feels like a cult and prison. I grew up in Oklahoma. The only thing good I can say about it is that the state is the cheapest to live in.

So if you don’t mind tornadoes, drugs, and fat skanks that are determined to destroy any kind of happiness you might have solely because if they aren’t happy you shouldn’t be either then Oklahoma is the perfect state for you. Education here sucks as well and we rank #50 in teacher pay. So if your educated in Oklahoma you will be punished for it.

I see people complaining about traffic Read More

Outsiders ruined this state for me (A NATIVE) - 5/31/2019
I am a colorado native. I was born here and have lived here 24 years. I used to love it here, 10 years ago i would have given it 4 stars, But ever since it was THE FIRST state to legalize weed (not against it, i smoke it) but the state has changed so much because of it being the first one to do that so it gets a 1 star. It has mad the state populated, there is development everywhere (when it used to be so open), the mountains are crowded and dirty now, the traffic sucks, its getting more and more expensive and colorado doesn't pays well at all, you need 3 jobs just to barley be on your own, people are rude, everyone keeps moving here, its not even famous for mountains anymore, every tourist, new person living here, and people i hear on social media, and when i go out of town when they find out I'm in colorado ask about the weed. That has ruined my state and i hate it and what its become, and what everyone moving here has done to it. I went to cali for my 5 year anniversary for a Read More

colorado sucks - 1/3/2018
Landlocked. Nearest beach is very far away.
Brown. Nothing is green for half of the year.
The high altitude and dry weather can reak havoc on your skin and body.
Unpredictable weather -- can be hard to plan things.
Mediocre Mexican food
Tract housing galore
Traffic can be brutal at times
Roads are very poorly designed and businesses lack proper enter/exit areas
Tailgating. You're not in the fast lane and driving 10 MPH over the speed limit, yet someone just has to be on your bumper.
Very small backyards in many areas (lack of privacy)
Sleepy cities. Even for its size, Denver isn't very happening.
Yuppies. Wow, I've seen a lot of 'em.
Sausage fest. I like women.
While people are generally friendly on the surface, they tend to be standoffish and reserved. This is a fairly common Read More

way too expensive you guys are crazy - 9/19/2016
I love it ! I get to wake up every morning at 5 Am and eat soup ! I get live in a box by myself fro the rest of my life ! its wonderful Read More

Great place to live - 2/22/2016
Wonderful climate, great economy, jobs, property values and the mountains are close Read More

Denver is horrible - 8/16/2015
Stay away. It Read More

Cost of living - 8/7/2015
Rent is through the roof! $1500 for a one bedroom apartment! Outrageous! I am ready to move back to TN or someplace more Read More

Outdoor Paradise - 8/4/2015
If you like outdoor sports, you would like it Read More

I love CO - 6/30/2014
Colorado is an amazing state. This weekend we went to Bishop's Castle. We also drove over to Leadville, Buena Vista, Salida, Canyon City, and a few other beautiful cities as well. We drove through on a Read More


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