Review of Pahrump, Nevada

Pahrump the Dump
Star Rating - 6/10/2017
I lived in Las Vegas for 18 years and moved to Pahrump 7 years ago. In that time I have seen Pahrump go down hill fast. Seven years ago there was little or no traffic to deal with except maybe Friday afternoon. Now I can't even go down a back road without either someone doing 10 mph under the speed limit or some jerk behind me so far up my ass I need to take a date rape drug the next day just to be safe.
The people on drugs in this town is out of control. The number of homeless people has increased to. My neighborhood I moved in 7 years ago was nice middle class people, mostly retired. Now the weekend comes and it looks like Mexico City on half the street and Kenya on the other half. Everyone here is on welfare, so the 1st and the 3rd of every month don't go shopping because all the scum bags with thier 10 kids each running around buying up all the Fruit Loops and Mt Dew they can handle.
The school system is horrible, all the kids are thugs because thier parents just want to get them out of the house so fast so they can blow the rest of their government money gambling and doing drugs.
What is wrong with people? Remeber the day when we actually had to work for a living? I would say don't procreate but of course they know the more kids they pop out, the more money they get from the government. Also I hate it when October hits. That month is when all the jerk off Snow Birds come down from what ever hole the crawled out of from Canada, Minnesota, Washington State, and other northern locations. Question - Why would you buy a 300,000 dollar motor home and tow a 30,000 dollar plus car behind it and come to PAHRUMP? Go to Florida or someplace nice not Pahrump the Dump. I do know why they come here. They are degenerate gamblers. I have no problem with gambling, drinking and having fun, but these people here do it to the extreme. They lose all thier money then are broke and miserable for the rest of the month.
Now for the worst part about living in Pahrump or should I say Nevada period. The Californians! They are the most terrible people I have ever dealt with in my life. They come to my state because they are unhappy in California and then try and change the laws like they had in California. WHAT? Why would you leave a state you are tired of paying high taxes and strict laws to go to another state and make the laws the same as what you left? IDIOTS!
So I guess if you are a degenerate gambler, drug user, drunk or from California - Pahrump is the perfect place to be.
Fred | Pahrump, NV
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6 Replies

PAHRUMP IS A DUMP! I still live here and it is full of drugs, and crime. The traffic isn't bad on the outshirts, hwy 160 has become a nightmare. Look at the local newspaper and read it for your self. The demographics of the place dosen't matter. Black, Mexican, White, Asian, Yellow and Purple Poka Dot Ass Beattle, who cares. Go out after dark and walk around Petrack Park or Walmart parking lot and tell me you feel safe. If you really thought it was such a great place then why are you MOVING UP NORTH? As for the 3rd of the month, yes alot of retires cash in the SS checks, but the first is when all the welfare people great their money on the food card. LOOK AROUND, they spend all their money on junk food and Coka Cola or Mountain Dew all full of sugar because they are speed freaks. WAke UP and really take a look around town with all the run down, busted out trailers and empty houses. People dumping their trash all over the place, dumping their unwanted kids off at the screwed up schools so they can rush and get high, stoned, drunk or whatever. Open your eyes and really look around. PAHRUMP THE DUMP, REALLY IS A DUMP!!!
Fred | Pahrump, NV | Report Abuse

Again, this is just a troll coming here to post endless fake bad reviews. No one who actually lives in Pahrump would write this because it's all over-the-top hysteria, not one word of which is true. I give this review points for originality, but it's completely invented.
Thomas | Mammoth Lakes, CA | Report Abuse

That woman is so wrong about is busy at the grocery stores on the 3rd of the month because there is a lot of retired people that get their social security checks, and a lot of retired military too that also get their checks on the beginning of the month.....we've been here from Vegas for 8 years, and the crime is very low, and the drug abuse is no more than any other place, except in Vegas it is many times worse....and gangs, and real violent crimes, for the crime out here is very low.....and the traffic is very low too, sure it's went up a little bit, but that is because people realize that this is a quite bedroom community of Vegas.....and we like it out here, and there is no problem with Pahrump at all....and that woman was wrong about the demographics too.....she seemed very racist, but if that is the case, she is out of her mind with that too....for there is probably 1% blacks, and maybe 2% Mexicans.....everybody is nice and friendly too - - and there is a few things that we don't like, such as the heat....but it is a few degrees lower that it is in Vegas, and at night throughout the entire year it is 10 degrees cooler at night than in Vegas....for we are about 500 feet higher in elevation - and since we bought our house in 2012 our equity has went up about 8% every year, and as Vegas grows, the equity out here will continue to go up, especially now that the Raiders are coming to Vegas.....they are running out of land in Vegas, and Pahrump's home values will skyrocket in the near future.......and to be honest, we are moving....but not because of anything wrong with Pahrump, but because the equity that we have made we are taking that and heading up north for a cooler climate....and to be around lakes so we can fish......not because there is anything wrong with Pahrump.....well, a movie theater would be nice....but that is coming too - - so don't think twice about moving out long as you don't mind the summer heat, but the people and the town is just fine.
Ron | Pahrump, NV | Report Abuse

That's disappointing to hear. We found the housing prices enticing, and didn't want to live in crime infested LV. And, I am a teacher so was hoping to relocate to a smaller school district. Is it that terrible? Is there an area less 'ghetto'?
Melinda | Lancaster, CA | Report Abuse

Lots of building going on in pahrump now. Do you still live there or move?
Asa | North Las Vegas, NV | Report Abuse

If Pahrump is sure a dump, why do you live here? Go back where you came from
Valerie | Pahrump, NV | Report Abuse
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