Review of Roano,

Stars for the terrain, none for the people
Star Rating - 12/17/2019
Roanoke (aka "Roll-'N-Toke), Virginia has geographic features that rival many of the greats in the country. The Blue Ridge Parkway in fall color is beautiful; the hiking trails (Appalachian Trail runs very close by) are wonderful; mountain biking trails are numerous; mountain views of sunrise and sunset; and a four-season climate, etc.) Then, there are the residents of this lovely place. While there are (limited) exceptions, the non-local view is often heard: "Q: What do you get when you cross a hillbilly with a redneck? A: A Roanoker!" The locals of SW Virginia have managed to make the region the buckle of the Bible Belt with absolutely no tolerance for any other religion but what they call "Christian" (and, one must attend the 'right' church); the region ranks high in crime; racism is blatant and open; the 'good ole boy network' rules around these parts; women are treated like second-class citizens; the locals retain the worst of the worst of stereotypical "Southern" attributes from syrupy-sweet "hi ya'll" to saying anything they think you want to hear but rarely if ever, telling the truth about much of anything; and opiate abuse ranks extremely high for good reason: Any reasonable person facing 'life' in SW Virginia actually needs the assistance of drugs, just to make it through the day. The schools are horrible with hundreds of high school students in the city living in cars and homeless. Hundreds! Only the college-bound students are deemed worthy of the education system's efforts. Nepotism, who you know, what you wear, your specific address, especially where you go to church, and declaring all Democrats as puppets of Satan are all part of everyday life in Roanoke and all of SW Virginia that I have seen. In general, people of color and/or those with 'outsider' perspectives will be openly discriminated against and never be allowed to get out of a rut that leads nowhere. Do not let the beauty of this part of the country fool you: SW Virginia is no place you want to exist (there is no 'life' here) and most definitely no place for a family with children. They claim to be Christian, but Jesus 'walked the walk that Jesus talked'. That said, I have never met a true Christian in all of SW Virginia. The very best thing around here is the interstate and airport, both able to get you the heck out of this place. Roanoke: The colon of the country. As a Fed, I have worked all over this country. Roanoke was my last assignment for three years. I got to choose my location and thought I would retire there. The best thing I ever did was to get out of there just as soon as my time was up.
Brent | Roanoke, VA
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2 Replies

This is above review is a bit much. It sounds like Brent must have just had a bad personal experience. You know like when your wife leaves you and you just cannot stand the sight of the places you used to frequent together. Not saying that is necessarily Brent, but I am saying the kind of vitriol written above is typical of the butt hurt among us. Now to be 100% fair, Roanoke has changed a whole lot over the last 15-20 years and sadly it didn't change for the better. The opiate crisis hit Roanoke much like it hit other small cities throughout the country. I could write a book on this, but to spare time, the pill and subsequent heroin addiction that followed was not as simple as "Dr's over prescribing pain killers" its a sign of a much deeper sadness and despair that dwells in an area. Roanoke being no exception to that statement, saw lots of work leave the valley. In the early 2000's the Roanoke Valley saw its rail yards shrink yet again, it saw many warehouses, factories and other blue collar staples leave or board up and shut down. Many people were unemployed without much left to do and no hope for their future. The ones with skills left. So that is part of what you see now in 2020 with a healthy crime and drug problem in this city. What gets me, is that if we were talking about any other unfortunate area (say Harlem, or South Central LA) we'd be talking about how these "good and virtuous hard working people just need a helping hand.." yet when people like Brent talk about other folks afflicted by poverty, substance/alcohol abuse and crime, if some of those folks happen to be white, well damn them right? Sure its not a glamorous place, but if you walk through some of these spots in a "white ghetto" (Roanoke has white, black and mixed ghettos) you'll see churches, broken glass, graffiti etc just like you would in a "black ghetto" ...oh and to that extent Roanoke is 30+% black (over 2x the US average of 13%) so not sure where some of these comments about "white racists - outsiders - hillbilly's" come from.
Rocco | Idylwood, VA | Report Abuse

Don't get it. All 7 of its Council Members are moderate or liberal Democrats, 3 are women, 4 are men, 3 are black (incl mayor), Vice Mayor (highest vote getter) is openly gay, lots of immigrants because of Catholic Refugee Services. There are large Pride, Indian, Diversity and Latino Festivals. I find it very progressive and tolerant. Now, the surrounding rural areas are somewhat backward, but neighborly.
fred | Roanoke, VA | Report Abuse
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