United States / New York / Rochester Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Rochester, New York

Unaware of the Poverty Rate
Star Rating - 12/7/2017
I commuted to Rochester, NY initially to visit a friend close to a decade ago and never left. When I first moved here, I was uneducated, had very little skills outside of kitchen work, and didn't excel in anything pertaining to positive aspects of my life that could also be career enhancements.

I became an engineer solely from my determination and dedication to my field of study. I somehow managed to overcome my impoverished state and, based on the charts above, earn a singular income that more than triples Rochester's median household income. Therefore, I truly cannot understand the poverty rate here. If I was able to fully succeed in life, then anybody can do it. Rochester, NY may not have much to offer, but what little the city does offer is more than enough for one to reap countless benefits, opportunities and amazing career options.

I highly recommend Rochester, NY to anybody who may feel as if they're stuck in their current daily struggles. You're not going to be handed everything on a silver platter upon relocating here, that is if you do not suck the benefit system dry like many of the people in the metro area, but you will have ample opportunity to exceed any expectations you may have set for yourself as you have aged. My goal was to earn a minimum of $15.00 an hour. To me, $15.00 an hour would've been the jackpot. I would have lived like a king by my standards. Now, as I have become successful, I earn $15.00 every 18.5 minutes while at work. Do it, I promise you will not regret it.
Lucious | Geneseo, NY
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2 Replies

Very real and inspiring story. Would make sense why average home price is less than 90K
H | Denver, CO | Report Abuse

What a truly honest and insightful perception !!! I didnt appreciate Rochester, NY when I lived there.. Now I do....Too late to go back, but lesson learned.. I hope you continue to to do well there.. Roch has some very beautiful suburbs..Old money homes.. And nice people, once you get to know them..(not that friendly right out of the gate, though (: ) I lived there over 22 years ago, and I do wonder from time to time.. how much its changed....?? Good luck to you :) Lucious!!
Sandi | Canton, OH | Report Abuse