Review of Lakeside Califor, Iowa

its turned all to hell
Star Rating - 11/14/2012
i used to be proud of where i live and where i am from .. but it has gotten so nasty . i can't wait to move .. lakeside used to be country living.. and sure some people have big property and can pretend that they are still country living.. but the truth is the big city has finally made its way through .. nasty equal opportunity housing and the infestation of apartments has brought in to many low life people who do nothing for the community or themselves except for bring it down .. bums with shopping carts are everytwhere , just for an idea , not to mention everytype of walk of life .. mostly in town you'll find all these problems , but town is where we all have to do our business , shopping , gas , food etc ... traffic is horrible as well , but if you hide at your house and pretend that nasty isn't all around you and don't mind spending over $2000 a month just to rent a regular house than you just might love it here hahaha .. not to mention with this re-election of barack hussien obama .. it is going to only get worse .. more welfare , more government handouts .. equals people who do not want to do anything for thamselves ... trust me .. especially around here ... and its just not lakeside's problem .. its all around san diego
justin | Lakeside, CA
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2 Replies

I have lived here 57 years out of my current 69 years and have seen a lot of changes. As with society's growth and humankind has changed, Lakeside has also, and like society in general not for the better. I too anxiously awaiting the time in my life I can retire and move away. Not just because of the huge amount of building and people and decimation of the rural community it used to be (sorry, the 1960's do not exists anywhere anymore), the entire state of California has become ridiculous and will never recover no matter what political party is in place. The only option I see for me is to find a state that isn't looking at California as a role model.
Renee | | Report Abuse

How right they were and newsome has pushed the whole state off the edge of tolerable. Ever since min wage has been hiked every year rent went from 500 to 2500 sdge is higher and cable companies are a scam. Lakeside used to be a community and was decent people and affordable living. Now you can buy a house anywhere else in the country for half the rent for a 2 bedroom apartment and section 8housing has brought urban ghetto to the white trash hoods. Crimes beyond stupid I had some lady move in to my patio then complained about me not giving her accommodation for staying on my porch. That's democrat ideology in action they are so stupidity hard to put into words I had people just take whatever they could grab whenever I left and meth is cheap and everywhere at least it's not El cajon
Shane | San Diego, CA | Report Abuse
- 9/9/2007
Cost to much
Best weather anywhere, but cost of living way to high...
Brian | Lakeside, CA | No Replies

- 9/7/2007
Lakeside California
We have lived in Lakeside for 8 years and love it. Our home has a nice big yard, views of...
Julie | Lakeside, CA | No Replies

- 4/2/2007
San Diego County is very exspensive no matte where you live, however I would recommend mov...
RIchard | Lakeside, CA | No Replies

- 6/18/2006
Lakeside, CA
Lakeside is a suburb of San Diego. Therefore it is expensive to live here also. It is one ...
Michell | Lakeside, CA | No Replies