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Sun City West, AZ | 22 Review(s)

I believe I gave Sperlingbest one quite some time ago. Nothing really to add. Thnk you very much. To come right out and say it. I'm not sure Sperling is even posting any place I review. I don't see any of my reviews as of late. Would appreciate some feedback, but don't know how to contact this website. So things work both ways. I guess I won't be back.


Life Stage: Mature Single
Occupation: Transportation and Warehousing
Enjoys: working out, educating myself as to the happenings in this world, travel, the internet.


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Reviews & Comments

Surprise, AZ

Surprise. Allergy and or Respitory problems here - 11/25/2012
I've only been here 3 months and I was fine for only about 2 weeks if that. I gradually kept getting more and more sinus discomfort and headaches here. Then it got worse over the last week. Everytime I go outside I get a tight chest, and have a hard time taking in air. So evidently Asthma or bronchitis is developing. It is very dusty and of course dry here. Add the smog and auto pollution in Metro Phoenix to begin with. All these cars there is so little to no transit at all. All the fields and dry dust bowl conditions that make up the area. No wonder I have this going on. Actually this is a very ignorant and arrogant Metro area. I'm sure they could have done something to improve the air here years ago. Evidently having every car and truck on the road is all they worship here. God forbid there be proper transit to cut down on some of the pollution here. Well I see a doctor about this tomorrow, and I'm out of Arizona this summer. If I can make it that long but I have a lease here so I have to honor it. Arizona is not worth my time, if this is how I have to feel to live here. Especially if Asthma is developing here.

Attleboro, MA

High COL but decent area to live - 10/12/2012
I'll try this again because my reviews seem to have difficulty posting to this Sperlingbest website.

Attleboro is basically a suburb of Providence, RI and thru the years, became a commuter Rail center for travel into Boston. Personally I think the COL in New England has always been beyond ridiculous. That includes Attleboro. Property taxes are far from cheap. Much of the housing is old and that means higher cost for upkeep. There is no bang for your buck in these parts when it comes to housing. Rent is truthfully so ridiculous. I don't know how they get away with the monthly charge. A 1 bed apt in someone's older home. Pay your own oil for the heat and its up around $800 or more. Half the time the apt is in someones attic or basement. You can probably get a little cheaper but would you want to live in some of those areas. Probably not.

The commuity was the center of the Jewelry industry for many decades. That is gone now. I am not really sure about the other major employer Texas Instruments. That Company is either gone or barely exists in Attleboro now. So quite honestly I am not sure what thelocal economy is based on anymore. I just know the COL does not fit the area dispite how nice New England is. I like the area for its location to highways and other areas to go to. New England is a special place that's hard to beat for its quality of life. In most instances that is. Attleboro included. However the COL has been out of control for years and evidently the regional population just tolerates is. There is no excuse for the outrageous overall COL, where everything is primarily older and in costant need of upkeep. I'm speaking of the lousy conditions of the roads in Attleboro and the whole state.

Portland, OR

Glad I'm out of that town - 10/7/2012
I was so glad when it was time to leave this place. I was so glad that is my review on Portland, Nothing more needs to be said.

Phoenix, AZ

Where is the last review - 10/6/2012
I don't know how long reviews take to show up on Sperliing so if its processing excuse this pleas.

I spent some time typing a review of Phoenix and it hasn't showed up. So I'm typing this just to see if they actually do show up. Thanks. Nothing worse than typing all those paragraphs and it going nowhere.

Phoenix, AZ

I'm new in Phoenix Metro - 10/6/2012
I'm not going to knock the Phoenix area. I'm so new it wouldn't be fair to residents or people thinking of moving here. So my review is based on what I see out and about in the area. Basicially how it feels for me and not necessarily for everyone. So please keep that in mind. Yes it is very sprawled out like no place I have seen to this extent. I have been all over the USA and the closest in appearance to this would be Los Angeles. So think really big. To say there is alot of driving would be a huge understatement. You really have to have a decent vehicle here in top working condition. Breaking down in this heat where distance could be so far from your home etc, could be dangerous to say the least. So an investment in a decent vehicle is just about mandatory, and that means expense and upkeep Unless you live in the central core there is very limited transit here. I am not liking that at all, and I think it will become a problem with me. There are walls everywhere around residences, or so it can seem to someone not from here. I detect a vibe of withdrawal from people here that is very noticeable. Rather insular enviroment, that is compounded by the throngs of seasonal visitors coming and going. There doesn't seem to be a sense of place here at all and that is not good.

Yes it will be nice weather for about 6 maybe 7 months of the year. The rest I am told and what I am seeing now. (Oct and we have had high 90's and 100 heat still). I'm guessing Phoenix is getting hotter earlier and staying hotter longer now, with whatever is going on with the worlds climate.

So its a nice place but I think I am going to find other than the months of comfortable weather. This Metro will hold little of interest for me. Miles of driving to basically strip mall after strip mall. Chain restaurants and throngs of people coming and going, doesn't seem like it will end up being a thrill for me. I don't get the design of the region and the lack of planning, beyond its entirely commerical with some residences thrown in. Mostly concrete desert is what it seems.All this concrete world obvioulsy contributes to the high heat here. Downtown Phoenix is the dullest downtown I have ever seen for a big city.

To each thier own though. You could do worse than Phx metro in the USA, but for me I don't think this place is all that great. So please visit and spend as much time here as you can before moving here. Visiting and living in a place are two very different experiences. Also rent before buying dispite how cheap the housing is. You really need to learn about the area before buying. So you know if the fit is right for you or not. All in all as far as a lower cost of living. Add it all up and it probably isn't all that cheap. Yes cheap house and thats it. Very high high electric bills with all this AC going. Car insurance is higher. I can figure that one out for myself after living here awhile. Lots of accidents. Alot of gas to be spent for all this driving. Food isn't any cheaper by no means. There is sales tax that always seems to be close to 10% on just about everyhing, other than grocery bought food. Keep that in mind it may not be so cheap for you here.

So like anywhere not just Phoenix. Really make sure a place is better for you before moving there, and add everything up about a place. Not just the warmer weather and cheaper house should be part of your criteria. You need the full picture of life where your moving to. You can really self defeat your purpose in life if your not careful. Again this is my review and not meant to slam the place even if may come across that way. I just wanted to be honest and this is really an honest appraisal of a place in the sun.

Roanoke, VA

re: Quality of LIfe. - 1/22/2012
- 2/19/2012
Thank you Ashley for your 2012 review on Roanoke. I felt it was a very honest and informative appraisal of Roanoke.

Nashville, TN

re: Living in Nashville - 3/3/2011
- 2/14/2012
I would but I wonder just how many people, actually consider the high Sales Tax in Tenn. I'm referring to when people consider moving to Tenn. People whose critreria has a lower COL on thier list. Taxing a person's groceries at 7.75%, with food as expensive as it is. Unbelievable. That in itself is a crime, food is an absolute necessity. It should be exempt from tax at least when purchasing groceries. Seems to me that Tenn is leaning on Sales Tax, as primarily the sole method of raising revenue in that state. Its pretty obvious many must struggle, because the state is known for a high percentage of poverty to begin with. Yes something is wrong with this method, and anyone with common sense would question it. A better and more fair system would be a much lower sales tax and a low income tax. Since Property and Vehicle reg is also low in Tenn. There is just to much dependence on very high sales tax that can only go up. Leaning on the poor and the affluent to fund the state on the same level is very unfair. I can only imagine the high percentage of people on Food Stamps in Tenn.

Roanoke, VA

Quality of LIfe. - 1/22/2012
I dont' really have a review as much as a request, for current info on Roanoke and the region. I don't live in Roanoke but am thinking of retirment in the area. The most recent review is several years old now. Is it bascially a current review of Roanoke at present, or has the area changed very much. I like this area on the few short visits I have made to the area, but I have not been there in at least 5 years now.
I Just wonder how Roanoke is doing in 2012. I'm especially interested in, is it still attracting people from other areas. Or has that slowed down? Are businesses coming and going as in much of the country? So much so that it has had a severe impact on the economy of the Roanoke area. I am very impressed with the Medical facilities offered in this city as well as its natural beauty. I just wonder why it has never grown more considering it offers much for its size. Thanks

Portland, OR

Why is this city in the USA - 3/31/2011
I have lived here a few years now, and I will finally get to move out of here at the end of the year. Its really not much of a city when you add it all up. Forget about the dismal climate, that is common knowledge or I would think it would be. What is wrong with this place is the type of population it has. For a major West Coast City it has a very large percentage of natives to this area. Many are cool to cold and now and then you will find a friendly one. Very introverted people that wander about with ear buds staring at their IPhones all day every day. Not what I would call a personable population by no means.Im disgusted with the lack of pride in ones property here. Weeds and junk in yards and there are very few nice neighborhoods. Alot of white people and a number of immigrants. Its a strange mix of people not assimilating into a society to be proud of. Hipsters and free speech and so many on food stamps. Really if you don't want to work don't make it look like you can't find a job. There are day labor jobs in this town. I had to do one when I wanted some extra money, as I planned to get the hell out of this glorified hell hole of a city.

There are literally homeless everywhere here it is not just the downtown which is rather small. You name the neighborhood they are there perhaps Lake Oswego has been able to escape them. Beggers with signs on fwys on streetcorners you name it they are there. Some are very aggressive and will curse at you for ignoring them. Evidently Oregon law allows this hostile type environment which it is. If you aggresively tell these people to leave you alone or if they touch you and you push back be careful. Oregon law seems to protect them and you can be charged with Assault. I don't trust and environment like that. Quite frankly the environment of all of this is a huge Red Warning Flag on this region of America. You would think they would be ashamed of the impression that is given to America but they have an excuse for everything. Never have I seen so many losers that depend on others to take care of them. So many needy people that need a good kick in the rear and get their life in order. Its drugs, booze and nut cases all over this town. I honestly don't know how the decent Oregonian can stand this type of city and haven't put their foot down to correct it. They major is pathetic and the city is run as some sort of hippy town. Very few jobs decade after decade and they prefer to fight over banning jobs in stores rather than dealing with todays problems. Why is this city in the USA what does it bring to America. Please serve papers on it to get out. Its embarrasing to have this disgrace of a city in our country.

Many drugged out zombies wandering about and quite abit of crime. A number of gang incidents and shootings and beatings in this city. Again its not really that big a city to have such a high percentage of the trash that goes on here.

Not a welcoming city. If you don't fit in with the strange types that populate Portland you will know it and fast. Its overly political but its politics are not liberal they are Radical. Im ashamed of myself for ever allowing myself to take a transfer here, even though I knew I had to do what I had to do to work.

Other than its mountain and coastline this entire area is an embarrasment to America. Ruined by its hideous population.

Phoenix, AZ

re: Missing Upstate NY - 1/11/2010
- 2/25/2010
I would think the cost of living would be more in NY.

Portland, OR

re: Economy, Weather, People, and .......Hobo Spid
- 2/25/2010
I think one must be careful with these type of review websites. Some people will give honest views. Some will plug a place as if its gods gift to earth. I think with Portland it is probably a place that has natural beauty in its georgraphy. I do not think it offers much more. I do not think it is a place for the majority of the US population. It is a place to visit and thats it.

The general population can turn one off and one has to consider that when researching the area. Its lack of employment and the reasons for it being constant have to be considered. Its manner in which it collects and does not collect state revenue and its expenditures definitely has to be looked into. The reasons there is such a noticeable amount of homelessness and drug useage, and just plain disgusting behavior in public is of great concern.

I think unless one is comfortable with constant radical politics in thier face. A not very down to earth diverse type of population then one will not be comfortable here. It is not the friendliest place one will visit. It is rather aloof and no one is going to jump out of their way to say hello in this town. It is definitely introverted and very Alternative. The friendliness one will see is if you meet the criteria for one of the alternative types. In fact way to much emphasis is placed on bohemian and alternative, Hipster, Yuppie lifestyles in this city. Its as if no other tax paying average joe or Jane means anything in this area. There is little geared to that population. Crime is very high and there is a very noticeable White Trash population, High Immigrant population and just plain free loaders all over this town. I do not see how the respectable Oregonian manages to remain here and can stand paying taxes for what is presented to a resident here.

I can only recommend Portland as a place to visit. A place to use as a base for travel into the beautiful countryside, the mountains, the coast. I cannot recommend this city as a place to live. I quite honestly do not see the benefit of Portland in the USA. Thankfully most of the USA would not put up with more Portland's.

Lakeland, FL

Review and Question. - 1/7/2010
I enjoyed the review of living in Lakeland for 17 years. Unfortunately I could not read the end of it, as it seems to have run out of space. I would like to have read the remainder of it. I have visited Lakeland and do enjoy it for its location and cost of living. I also like the fact it feels like an actual community with a downtown, with the lakes and walking areas. It is not overwhelming in population and traffic jams. I toy with the idea of retiring there. I have some concerns about the area though. My biggest concern is that it may not be welcoming to all. There are some strong overtones in the culture I have noticed when visiting, that it is a very conservative culture based region. I don't mind the culture or the conservative views. I do however mind if I am not welcomed there, and then made to feel I have no right to notice it or its effects. I have found no other community in Fla like Lakeland for its small city feel that seems very self contained with shopping, Medical and close proximity to other large metro's. Unfortunately though my concerns seem to be more than just concerns, I feel there is something to them based on both instincts and observations. I wonder has anyone else observed or felt Lakeland is very nice, but may be difficult for some people from elsewhere.

Portland, OR

re: Friendly - 5/11/2007
- 12/1/2008
I think it may be if one is drunk or high on drugs and can't see life in reality. Portland has so many people mostly in thier 20's and 30's when asked something in small talk or a question will literally just stare and offer not word or smile. I have never seen anything like this in this country.

Portland, OR

Crime lots of it - 7/24/2008
Anyone that has the gall to come on here and act like Portland only has low crime is being cruel to people. It may not be murder city USA but property crime and vehicle crime is very high here. You can love Portland all you want that is fine, there are many nice things about it, but crime is way to high here. Meaning for its size its crime feels more associated with a much bigger metro area. Yeah its immigrant crime and the low lifes that plague this area. Its a shame it should never have gotten to the point it is. Just take a drive thru the east side over to Rockwood and Gresham and Southeast Portland, and Northeast Portland. There isn't a whole lot left of the city now is it, maybe Northwest and that is no garden spot either any longer.

Phoenix, AZ

re: Public Transportation - 5/28/2007
- 4/22/2008
Well I guess is about time they learned to take the train, and also make a walkable region also, at least in urban areas. If any foolish person wants to pay $4.00 for gas and has no interest in getting out of the car, then they deserve all the traffic.

Tucson, AZ

re: Climate is great BUT - 5/23/2007
- 4/22/2008
It sounds like a miserable place, maybe it should be given back to Mexico.

Tucson, AZ

re: Tucson - Needs better infrastructure & water i
- 4/22/2008
It sounds horrible.

Lakeland, FL

re: Pretty nice town to live - 8/13/2006
- 4/1/2008
Nice description and comments.

Lakeland, FL

re: Lakeland FL - after 17 years - 1/15/2007
- 4/1/2008
I enjoyed the description of Lakeland, quite informing and very accurate.

Lakeland, FL

re: Simply Charming in excellent location - 9/24/2
- 4/1/2008
I think you gave a perfect description of life in Lakeland

Portland, OR

re: Portland, Oregon -The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
- 3/30/2008
I completely agree with the post Oregon The Good The Bad and the Ugly, I could not have said it better. I knew it could not just be me, it is so obvious day in and day out seeing these types of peronality traits in a city. I am in my planning stages of leaving Portland, I didn't hate it but gee, is ambibition in life a dirty word here. I simply could not take the lackidasical lifestyle so many have here, that has nothing to do with being laid back.

Portland, OR

Portland, not what the travel publications will te - 3/30/2008
After almost 3 years in Portland, I am in the planning stages of leaving. It was nice for awhile, but limited. Whether it is the culture shock of being a native of the East Coast or the personality traits of Portland, it must be a combination of both. I find the region attractive in appearance, the outlying areas out to Mt Hood or out to the coast breathtaking. I love the countryside and its vineyards and orchards. THATS ALL. I cannot tolerate the lackidasical attitude here, that has nothing at all too do with laid-back. The smallness of Portland and the cramped in feeling of a city always in pepetual construction is tiresome. Its people though some friendly have an overwhelming lean towards cold and insular like I have never seen before. The lack of ambition among so many residents and the neediness of so many to be helped along in life is downright annoying. If the state and Portland as a whole had a shred of self respect they would do the following. Fund schools, Police Depts and get a sales tax. Make a state wide campaign to attract businesses that bring employment to this region. Without these measures in place is why this city and this state are innundated with drugs, homelessness and the lack of ambition that overwhelms this place. For those that are respectable and trying to make a living here, my heart goes out to you, I don't know how you live here. I for one have to leave this year, and thats called ambition.

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