05442 Belvidere Center, VT has a humid continental climate, meaning that the region experiences hot, humid summers and cold winters. The average temperature in Belvidere Center ranges from 23°F in January to 76°F in July. Precipitation is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year with an average of 47 inches of rain and 98 inches of snow annually. Winters bring heavy snowfall and temperatures regularly drop below 0°F while summers are quite warm with occasional bouts of thunderstorms and high humidity.
Belvidere Center (zip 05442), Vermont gets 55 inches of rain, on average, per year. The US average is 38 inches of rain per year.
Belvidere Center (zip 05442) averages 102 inches of snow per year. The US average is 28 inches of snow per year.
On average, there are 159 sunny days per year in Belvidere Center (zip 05442). The US average is 205 sunny days.
Belvidere Center (zip 05442) gets some kind of precipitation, on average, 164 days per year. Precipitation is rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground. In order for precipitation to be counted you have to get at least .01 inches on the ground to measure.
Weather Highlights
Summer High: the July high is around 75 degrees
Winter Low: the January low is 5
Rain: averages 55 inches of rain a year
Snow: averages 102 inches of snow a year