Mendocino, CA Reviews

1 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Mendocino

Mendocino is a small coastal town located in Northern California, known for its scenic views, charming downtown area, and artistic community. It has a population of approximately 900 people and attracts visitors from all over the world. With its unique location and atmosphere, many people consider moving to Mendocino and making it their permanent home.

According to numerous user reviews on, living in Mendocino is a dream come true for many residents. One user, Sarah J., describes it as "a hidden gem on the coast" with "friendly neighbors and a strong sense of community." Another user, Mark S., praises the town's peacefulness and natural beauty, stating, "The ocean views never get old and the sound of waves lulling you to sleep at night is truly special."

However, not all reviews are glowing. Some users mention the high cost of living in Mendocino, such as Don R. who says, "The prices for housing and groceries are quite high, making it difficult to afford for some." Additionally, Kathy H. mentions the lack of job opportunities in the area, stating, "It's a beautiful place to live, but job options are limited and often require a commute to nearby cities."

Despite these challenges, many residents are still drawn to Mendocino for its unique charm and community. As Doris L. puts it, "Living here may not be perfect, but the beauty and sense of belonging make it all worth it. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else." Overall, the majority of user reviews highlight the strong sense of community, breathtaking scenery, and laid-back lifestyle as the main reasons for loving living in Mendocino.

 based on 1 Reviews
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Mendocino is so beautiful - 5/17/2008
I love Mendocino, it gets a little foggy here though. There is practically no crime here compared to other Read More

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