Redding, CA Reviews

61 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Redding

Redding, California is a city located in the northern part of the state and is known for its picturesque landscapes and outdoor activities. It has a population of approximately 91,000 residents and is home to popular attractions such as the Sundial Bridge and Whiskeytown National Recreation Area.

John, a resident of Redding, shared on that "the natural beauty of this place is unmatched. I love being able to go hiking or fishing in just a short drive from my house." This sentiment was echoed by another user, Amanda, who stated that "the proximity to nature is definitely a plus for me. The abundance of parks and trails make it a great place for outdoor enthusiasts."

However, not all reviews were positive. Tom, a former resident, mentioned that "the cost of living is quite high for what this city offers. The job market is also limited, making it difficult to find employment." Similarly, Sarah, a current resident, expressed her concerns about crime in the area, stating "there are definitely some safety concerns here, and I wouldn't recommend walking alone at night."

In conclusion, while Redding, California offers stunning natural scenery and recreational opportunities, it may not be the most affordable or safest place to live. However, as Amanda put it, "every city has its pros and cons, and in the end, it's about finding what works for you."

 based on 61 Reviews
Get to know Redding with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Redding

After moving away from Redding I'd never live ther - 1/29/2016
I wish when I was thinking about moving to Redding in 2012, I'd read this review I'm about to write. I've lived around the world and internationally and been happy something I was able to do anywhere until I made the mistake of my life and choose to move to Redding CA. I actually moved for a job with the county. There were many things I didn't know about Redding, the dirty underbelly of the monster when I naively bought a house in hell. This is why I don't recommend it particularly for those that do not have family there already
1. WORK -it is hard to find and being isolated as it is, the workplaces can be horrible. The branch of county government I landed in was terribly mismanaged and coworkers were discouraged and desperate about the management but stuck
2. UTILITIES - I had a small house, used utilities conservatively but my utilities bill was more expensive than my mortgage every month
3. HEAT - I was from the North and while 80 degrees in October and Read More

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Pretty Great here - 6/25/2015
I admit Redding bored me at first, and I hated the hot weather and the scrubby looking trees here. (They're even called "scrub" oaks). But the people are really decent here. Cowboys, mainly, who are the best people on earth. Old-fashioned values are admired here, and although it's true that Redding has been a dumping ground for felons and sex offenders (Thanks Sacramento), they are limited by the fact that everyone has weapons here. Very safe place, and the scenery, wildlife and outdoor recreation is endless. Love Read More

Redding is not for me - 4/29/2015
I have lived in Redding since I was 9 and honestly I have been looking for the opportunity to get out! Redding is currently the worst place for women in California due to rape and sexual assault and last time i checked it was the 6th for car theft per capital. There are homeless and drug addicts everywhere asking for money. Read More

things to know before moving here - 9/9/2014
My decision to move to Shasta County was an impulse that I regret more than any foolish thing I ever did. I bought a house, paid too much and am waiting for the day I can sell it and fly out of hell. What I didn't know that made it a horrible place to live
1. Utilities are extremely expensive. I lived in a bigger house in another place and paid a 1/4 of what I'm paying on electricity. Friends with bigger houses pay 600 a month for A/C
2. It gets hot here and stays hot making it hard to be outdoors a good portion of the year. starting in May temperatures can reach 100 and stay there day after day. Heat stroke is not fun. Its mid September as I write this and there is another month of hideously hot days many over 100. I got skin cancer here and I slathered on the sunscreen.
3. The choices of doctors are awful either incompetent or unprofessional (not all of them, just enough to make it not pleasant to live here)
4. Unqualified people are in Read More

Redding, CA. Sucks! - 8/12/2014
Redding, CA. Much too hot in summer for most folks. Temps stays above 100 degrees for three to four months every year. Serious drought has been in affect for over five years. Wild fires are rampant. Drugs are the number one business in Redding. Crimes is out of control and there is no government representation in the north state. Schools are second class and overcrowded. Need to know Read More

Redding is a Good Place to Live and Visit - 10/8/2013
I've been a part time resident of Redding for years and have enjoyed all the area has to offer on many levels. The downtown area still has a lot to be desired but it has improved over the years and now has a beautiful renovated theater and several new trendy restaurants. The retail section of town has also grown over the years to include all the large chains such as Trader Joe's, Costco and Macy's so nothing lacking there. The area appeals to retirees and families who come to town looking for value in property compared to what they would find in the big California cities. Those who can afford it can purchase nice homes on acreage that would be unaffordable in places like LA or the Bay Area.

Yes, it is hot in the summer with July and August being the hottest so Ac is a must. Yes, there are also undesirables just like in any city but that doesn't mean you have to associate with them. There are many wonderful people living in Redding enjoying this lovely scenic part of Read More

Can't wait to get out of here. - 7/22/2013
I was born and raised here. If you asked me 2 years ago, I would tell you that you couldn't pay me to leave. The area is beautiful, but now, that is the only thing keeping me here. The city government is beyond corrupt. The economy has always been on the slow side, but now, jobs are virtually non existent. The utility rates are outrageous. However, what is really driving me out is the crime. The police force has received many cut backs and the meth population is out of control. 6 years ago, I purchased a house in a nice neighborhood, but now my neighborhood has become the target of thieves and vandals. I no longer feel safe here.
I know that it will be hard to find somewhere that compares in beauty, but the corruption, a city council that can't manage money, crime, and continuous utility rate hikes, as income keeps dropping is pushing me Read More

Hot Weather - 7/15/2013
Redding< California sits in the far northern Sacramento Valley, at the base of the mountains. Lakes, streams, and recreation abound, but realize that this geographical location traps the poor air from the Sacramento area as the winds blow it north up the Sacramento Valley and is held at the base of the mountains. Visibility is greatly affected in a negative manner and the heat index can be terrible. +100 degree days are common in the summer months and often reach 110-115 degrees. Going outside is limited during these days, especially for the retired and elderly. Winter months are usually above freezing with some occasional dips into freezing temperatures. Rain is usually heavy in the winter.  Read More

Hot: too hot to breathe in the summer and utilitie - 4/20/2013
Redding is the hottest place I know of and the cost of utilities is very high, especially if you live in the country. We had to keep the air going on the hot days all the time and our bill would be $600.00 plus per month.
The cost of living is very high for a town with so few jobs, what really runs it up is food and utilities, housing seems to be reasonable some what but very diddicult to find a home with raised foundation, most a Read More

move - 7/20/2012
desire to move Read More

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