Middlebury, CT Reviews

2 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Middlebury

Middlebury, Connecticut is a small town located in New Haven County, with a population of approximately 7,575 residents. It is considered a quiet and family-friendly community, with a highly rated public school system and a low crime rate. It also offers easy access to larger cities such as New Haven and Waterbury. However, like any other place, there are mixed opinions from residents about living in Middlebury. Many have shared their thoughts and experiences on the website BestPlaces.net.

According to user "Amy B", who has lived in Middlebury for 10 years, the town has a "great sense of community" and is a "wonderful place to raise a family." She also mentions the town's "beautiful scenery" and "excellent schools." Similarly, user "Ethan K" praises the town's "small-town charm" and "friendly neighbors." He also mentions the convenience of having "everything you need within a 15-minute drive."

On the other hand, user "Samantha H" had a different experience living in Middlebury. She describes it as a "very small and closed-minded town" with "limited diversity." She also mentions that "there is not much to do for young adults" and the nightlife is "practically non-existent." Another user, "John M", shares similar sentiments and states that there is a "lack of activities and entertainment options" in Middlebury.

Overall, the general consensus among users is that Middlebury is a quiet and safe town, perfect for families and those seeking a peaceful lifestyle. However, some may find it lacking in terms of diversity and entertainment options. As user "Ethan K" puts it, "Middlebury may not be the most exciting place, but it's a great place to call home."

 based on 2 Reviews
Get to know Middlebury with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Middlebury

Great small town with lots of trails - 6/2/2014
Lots of trails and parks to enjoy the Read More

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Small, safe, affluent - 12/31/2012
Middlebury is a great place to live, it can be expensive but is reasonable for Connecticut. Also, it offer great school systems and offers a rage of housing from average to as nice as they get. Middlebury has some of the most beautiful scenery around with its small town charm and stone walls. Filled with plants of places to eat from pizza, to Chinese, to upscale or even the bar it has it all in a safe environment. If you want to move to ct I highly commend Middlebury just be aware it can get expensive. Read More

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