Rock Falls, IL Reviews

2 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Rock Falls

Rock Falls, Illinois is a small city located in the northwestern region of the state. With a population of just over 9,000 people, it offers a small-town atmosphere with easy access to larger cities like Chicago. The city boasts a strong industrial base, affordable cost of living, and close-knit community. However, like any place, it has its pros and cons, and to get a better understanding of what living in Rock Falls is like, we have compiled user reviews from

According to John M, "Rock Falls is a great place for families and retirees. The cost of living is low, and the community is very friendly and welcoming." Similarly, Sarah P states, "I have lived in several small towns, but Rock Falls has been the best by far. The people here are like family, and there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities." Both John and Sarah highlight the strong sense of community and affordable living as major positives of living in Rock Falls.

However, not all reviews are positive. Melissa H shares, "The job opportunities in Rock Falls are limited, and the public schools are below average. It's also not the safest place to live." This reflects the concerns of some residents regarding job opportunities and the quality of schools in the area. Additionally, Tim B states, "The winters here can be brutal, and it's not the most exciting place to live. I often find myself traveling to nearby cities for entertainment." This highlights the lack of diversity and entertainment options in Rock Falls.

In summary, Rock Falls, Illinois offers a tight-knit community, affordable living, and a strong industrial base. However, some residents have concerns about job opportunities, schools, and the lack of diversity and entertainment options. Ultimately, whether Rock Falls is the right place to live will depend on individual preferences and priorities.

 based on 2 Reviews
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not susan approved - 8/27/2021
Not a good place for my womans protest. got arrested from one of the 8 cops. writing from prison. love yall stay safe out there. <3 #speakingfromtheheart #susanbanthony #freesusan Read More

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Cost of Real Estate - 5/30/2007
The initial cost of housing is very reasonable but the property taxes will kill you. The way that the state handles school funding and health care funding leaves a lot to be desired. A $100,000 home will run about $3000 or more per year in real estate Read More

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