Alexandria, LA Reviews

7 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Alexandria

Alexandria, Louisiana is a mid-sized city located in the heart of Louisiana. It offers a low cost of living and a strong sense of community, making it an attractive place to live for many people. However, like any city, it has its own unique set of pros and cons. To get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Alexandria, let's take a look at some user reviews from

According to "John D.", who has lived in Alexandria for over 10 years, "The people here are friendly and welcoming, and there's a real sense of community. It's a great place to raise a family." Similarly, "Samantha R." shares, "I moved here for a job opportunity and was pleasantly surprised by how welcoming the community was. I feel safe and secure living here." These reviews highlight the strong sense of community and friendliness that is often found in Alexandria.

However, not all reviews are completely positive. "Mike H." comments, "The job market isn't great here, and there's not a lot to do. I find myself driving to nearby cities for entertainment and better job opportunities." This highlights a common complaint among residents - the lack of job opportunities and limited entertainment options in the city.

Another factor to consider is the weather, as pointed out by "Anna S." who says, "The summers here are brutal. It's hot and humid, and the mosquitoes are relentless. But the mild winters make up for it." This review shows that while the weather may not be ideal for some, others may appreciate the mild winters.

In summary, user reviews on paint a picture of Alexandria as a friendly and welcoming community with a low cost of living, but with limited job opportunities and hot summers. It seems to be a great place for families and those who value a strong sense of community, but may not be the best fit for those seeking a bustling city life.

 based on 7 Reviews
Get to know Alexandria with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Alexandria

Migraines - 3/10/2014
I get migraines from rapid shifts of barometric pressure tornado and severe storms in Indiana we can go from 60 to 30 with snow in 24 hours. How does Alexandria compare you get more sunshine as far as yearly weather maps show and more rain yet it seems you hit a stormy season mid summer and stay more temperate through the year feedback please? Read More

Start Your Review of Alexandria

anyone know the twins... - 10/17/2009
Lynette and Lynelle? I knew them when we were children and I'd love to talk with their Mom again. I only remember that they lived in Alexandria. Read More

City review - 9/1/2009
I live in a great city if you are seeking to raise children. Good schools with low crime Read More

Badly Divided City - 7/13/2009
Alexandria suffers from sitting at the crossroads of the northern and southern Louisiana cultures. It is badly divided along racial, religious, and political lines - to such a degree that there can be no compromise. Crime is a huge issue and has become even more of an issue since Katrina's refugees arrived. Live close enough to Alexandria to take advantage of world class medical care, but not close enough to get involved in the mess it is making of the quality of life Read More

Good Place to Live - 4/16/2009
Generally decent climate, fair cost of living, crime is an issue and the job market outside of medical and legal is moderate to Read More

nice place to live - 5/11/2007
Alexandria and the surrounding area have really grown over the past few years. New subdivisions seem to be popping up everywhere. The west side of town is especially booming. The economy is doing great. I don't see the growth slowing down any time soon. Many schools are in bad shape, but some schools are decent. Health care is excellent. Some areas are clean and safe, while others are dirty and crime-ridden. Some might struggle with the hot, humid climate. Many might find the area to be boring, but there is plenty of outdoor recreation Read More

Economy good here - 5/16/2006
The economy is picking up here because of the opening of a large company that makes railroad oil tanker cars. We're also seeing a positive influx of New Orleans area residents displaced by Read More

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