Cedar Crest, MA Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Cedar Crest

As a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts, Cedar Crest offers its residents a quiet and family-friendly community while still being close to the city. The town has a highly rated school district and a low crime rate, making it an ideal place for families. It also has a variety of recreational activities, from hiking trails to community events. However, like any other place, Cedar Crest has its own strengths and weaknesses. To gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in this particular place, let's take a look at what some users have to say about it.

According to user reviews on bestplaces.net, Cedar Crest receives mixed feedback from its residents. On the positive side, many users appreciate the town's location and its amenities. One user named Sally states, "Cedar Crest has a great location for accessing both the city and the countryside. The town also has well-maintained parks and playgrounds that are perfect for families with children." Similarly, another user, John, expresses his love for the town's outdoor activities, saying, "I've been living in Cedar Crest for three years now, and I love the various hiking trails and nature reserves in the area. It's a great place for outdoor enthusiasts."

On the other hand, some users have mentioned concerns about the cost of living in Cedar Crest. As user Emily puts it, "The cost of living in Cedar Crest is quite high, especially for housing. It's not an affordable place for young professionals or families on a budget." Another user, David, echoes this sentiment, stating, "While I love the town's safety and schools, the high property taxes and housing costs are making it hard for me to stay here long term."

In addition to the location and cost of living, some users have also highlighted the town's lack of diversity as a downside. User Maria explains, "Cedar Crest is a predominantly white community, and as a person of color, I sometimes feel out of place. There isn't much diversity here, which can feel isolating at times." Similarly, user Christopher states, "I've lived in Cedar Crest my whole life, and while I appreciate the town's safety and schools, I wish there was more diversity and cultural events to participate in."

Overall, it seems that Cedar Crest offers a comfortable and safe living environment with easy access to both urban and rural areas. However, the high cost of living and lack of diversity may be a downside for some residents. Ultimately, it is important to consider both the positive and negative aspects of living in Cedar Crest when making a decision about calling this place home.

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