Wilmington, NC Reviews

71 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Wilmington

Wilmington, North Carolina is a city located on the southeastern coast of the state. It is known for its beautiful beaches, historic downtown area, and mild climate. With a population of over 120,000, Wilmington offers a diverse community and plenty of amenities for its residents. However, as with any city, there are pros and cons to living here. To get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Wilmington, let's take a look at some user reviews from people who have experienced it firsthand.

According to a review by Jennifer S., Wilmington is a wonderful place to live. She praises the city's vibrant arts scene, delicious local restaurants, and friendly people. She says, "Wilmington has a great sense of community and there is always something to do. I've lived here for 5 years and I still discover new places to explore." This highlights the city's welcoming atmosphere and diverse range of activities.

On the other hand, Tom C. had a different experience living in Wilmington. In his review, he mentions the high cost of living and traffic congestion as major drawbacks. He writes, "The cost of living here is higher than I expected and traffic can be a nightmare during peak tourist season." This gives insight into the potential downsides of living in a popular tourist destination.

Stephanie B. offers a unique perspective as someone who relocated to Wilmington for work. She enjoys the beach and outdoor activities, but also mentions the limited job opportunities in certain industries. She states, "I moved here for a job in the tech industry, but there aren't many options in that field. However, the beach is amazing and there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy." This provides valuable information for those considering moving to Wilmington for employment opportunities.

Lastly, Sarah L. shares her experience as a retiree living in Wilmington. She appreciates the city's peaceful and laid-back atmosphere, but also notes the lack of public transportation and healthcare options. She says, "I love the slower pace of life here and the beautiful scenery. However, as I get older, I am concerned about the lack of public transportation and healthcare options." This offers perspective for individuals who are retired or planning to retire in Wilmington.

Overall, the reviews of living in Wilmington, North Carolina are mixed. While many praise the city's amenities and community feel, others mention potential downsides such as the cost of living and limited job opportunities. It ultimately comes down to personal preferences and priorities, but these reviews provide helpful insight for anyone considering making Wilmington their home.

 based on 71 Reviews
Get to know Wilmington with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Wilmington

Ten out of 12 ain't bad. - 12/29/2007
Nine to ten months out of the year the weather here is great. Sunny. Great temperature. Just beautiful.
July and August are brutal. Very hot. Very Read More

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The Face of Wilmington is Changing...Fast!!! - 12/4/2007
Wilmington is not the sleepy coastal town and beach area that it was even ten years ago. It has succumbed to the ever increasing residential real estate development of the coast. Traffic is increasing and the accident rating of the area is the highest in the state. Property values have stabilized somewhat after a meteoric rise in 2005-2006 and with them the property taxes and insurance rates have adjusted upwards as well. Residential development is the driving force in the area. This is all being done to lure new residents (primarily well funded) from the North and Midwest. There are plenty of houses available at $500,000 and up but very little at more reasonable values (<$300,000). Local government is doing very little to create and or attract new jobs, particularly for young professionals. The local joke is that Wilmington has the best educated restaurant serving staff, as most of them are graduates of UNCW who want to stay in the area but are unable to find decent positions.  Read More

Wrightsville Beach - 7/5/2007
My husband and I and our friends just got back from visiting Wilmington for the 4th of July 2007. We spent the night at the Marriott-Courtyard off Market St. I used to live in Wilmington with my parents nearly 12 years ago and although we only got to stay there for a year, it was absolutely wonderful at that time. Returning after so many years, I was glad to find that Wilmington has remained the same except for the usual new chain restaurants and what appeared to be some new housing construction (which in all my travels that's pretty commonplace). Other than that it was a great visit--even if it was one day.

You see, unlike other visitors or the residents, you have to take Wilmington for what it is...a quaint little city. Actually, it's more like a large town than a city. Yes, it has it's "downtown" and a good urban sprawl, but it just isn't like Raleigh or Charlotte. Wilmington is meant to be kept like a town. I think if it had, after all this time, spread out Read More

Not too bad...not too good.... - 6/14/2007
I've lived in Wilmington for 16 years. I've gone all the way through 4th grade through college at UNCW. For the most part Wilmington is a pretty nice place to live. The cost of living has skyrocketed in recent years with more and more tourists settling in and more developments/businesses moving in (look up Mayfaire town center). Just like every other city, you have your areas you don't want to travel to, if you know what I mean....but these are basically narrowed down to two areas of town that most of Wilmington won't see anyways. The beach is nice, if you can find a parking spot in the summer. The restaurants are plentiful here, as I believe we are the country leader in restaurant per square mile average (I read it somewhere) but most of these consist of fast food or chain restaurants. Basically Wilmington is set up by three or four main roads: Market St., College Rd., Oleander, and to some extent Eastwood Rd. since it is the road most people take to get to the beach. Pretty much all Read More

Love the City..can't afford it - 4/18/2007
My wife and I are both young professionals with college degrees. We love the area, and LOVE living near the beach..however..you pay for it. Cost of living here compared to the Salary Range is ridiculous. If you are single...you can FORGET about owning a house unless you make somewhere around 50-60k a year, and that will be hard to come by in Wilmington. "Sunshine" tax. Beautiful place, but way to expensive. If you are coming from New York, or Cali, yeah...the cost of living is WAY CHEAP comparatively, but unless you have a stock pile of money to live on, or a job waiting for you here that happens to pay well...you will be in for a real Read More

COL - 3/22/2007
Very hard to find a job in Wilmington and there is no such thing as a good paying job. Compared to other parts of the country it is very backward. Wilmington is the most expensive city in North Carolina and the pay scale is the lowest. Buying a house is almost impossible (unless you enjoy living in a double Read More

I need to leave... - 2/20/2007
I have lived in Wilmington all my life of 58 years. My parents were from Brunswick County and Robeson County. I used to love Wilmington. Us natives were accustomed to driving to Wrightsville Beach (around 4 to 5 miles in around 5 minutes) driving up to the sand or an un-metered parking place and jumping in the wonderful clean water of our beaches and sounds. Nowadays, it takes 15 to 20 minutes for the same trip, money for the parking meters (if you can find parking) and you have to be careful where you swim. Putting a boat in is absolutely out of the question. It is more fun to sit on the dock and watch everyone fighting over the access or the parking. Restaurants have grown from home cooking to chain after chain after chain of expensive dining. I is almost impossible to find fresh seafood at a reasonable price. Housing has increased so much that I cannot change to a different neighborhood. If I sell my house now I cannot by anything comparable for the same price. Traffic is Read More

One person's perception of Wilmington... - 2/15/2007
Please be aware this is only my opinion. I have had the opportunity to live in many different parts of the country over the last 20 years and the Wilmington area does not rank highly on my list of favorite places.There are very few good employment opportunities. Rate of pay here is awful. The largest concern here should be the vast gap between the "haves" and the "have-nots". There appears to be a large disparity between the normal working class and those who make up the wealthier segment of the population. Housing is another issue, as the value/price ratio is questionable. The education level of the general population is also suspect.At first glance, housing seems reasonable, however the median price is rather deceiving. The median price is artifically low because of the glut of "entry level" or in other words, older housing that needs total updating. Traffic is awful, particularly during the vacation months.I would suggest anyone considering a move should plan an extended visit to Read More

ILM = Wilmington, North Carolina - 12/29/2006
I moved here three years ago, after visiting Wilmington (ILM = airport designation) f/over 10 years. My daughter went to UNCW &, like so many others, decided to stay here. ILM is a great place to live.

People are nice, downtown is quaint, historical, fun & safe. There is plenty to do, you will any good or service you need right here & we have: *the beach*!!

When I moved here, I heard two silly falsehoods:
#1) What a cold winter !! // My Answer: No, just because the temperature went below 32 *twice* doesn't make it a 'cold winter'!
#2) Traffic here is terrible // My Answer: Yes, it is bad & getting worse. But it is nothing compared to an urban city. You can get anywhere, even during 'rush hour', in 30 minutes.

Wilmingon enjoys a mild temperataure. Yes, it is warm & humid in July & August, just like anywhere else. But f/the other 10 months of the year, we have fabulous weather. We occasionally get up to 70 degrees in Read More

Beautiful historic downtown, surrounded by urban s - 11/25/2006
We relocated from California for the reasonable housing but the humidity and job market did us in. In summer it may cool down at night to a balmy 78. How people ever lived here without a/c, I can't even imagine. Beaches are far more beautiful than anything in CA. The sand is whiter, the water bluer, the waves gentler. And the ocean gets warm in the summer which beats the icy chill of the Pacific. Real estate is very reasonable but on the rise. You can still get a 4-bedroom home in a brand new subdivision for under $400,000. Job market is tight, unless you are in the hospitality, healthcare or construction business. Salaries are low. Lots of entry level stuff, but very little at manager-level. We have been here 3 years and can't find jobs so we are moving out. There does seem to be a bias against non-Southerners. I've heard a few complaints about 'yankees.' Wilmington traffic is getting worse, but it's because there are no freeways here, which is a refreshing change from California. Read More

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