Tooele, UT Reviews

5 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Tooele

Tooele, Utah is a small city located in the northern part of the state. With a population of just over 35,000 people, it offers a tight-knit community feel while still being close to larger cities like Salt Lake City. To get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Tooele, we will look at reviews written by residents on the website Best Places. These reviews cover a range of topics, from the cost of living to the quality of schools, and provide valuable insight into the overall experience of living in Tooele.

According to a review by Sarah, who has lived in Tooele for 10 years, the cost of living is one of the major advantages of living in the city. She writes, "Housing prices are much more affordable compared to other cities in Utah. You can get a lot more for your money here." This sentiment is echoed by another resident, Kevin, who says, "I moved to Tooele from Salt Lake City and was pleasantly surprised by how much cheaper it is to live here."

However, not all reviews are positive. In fact, Jillian, who has been living in Tooele for 3 years, expresses some frustration with the lack of job opportunities in the area. She writes, "Finding a good job here can be a challenge. Many people commute to Salt Lake or other nearby cities for work." This sentiment is shared by another resident, Alex, who adds, "I love the small town feel of Tooele, but it can be hard to find well-paying jobs here."

One aspect that seems to be universally praised by Tooele residents is the sense of community. Lisa, who has been living in Tooele for 5 years, says, "I absolutely love the people here. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. It feels like a big family." Many other reviews also mention the welcoming and tight-knit community in Tooele as one of the main reasons they enjoy living there.

In summary, reviews from residents of Tooele, Utah paint a picture of a small, affordable city with a strong sense of community. While job opportunities may be limited, the overall experience of living in Tooele is positive, with many residents praising the friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

 based on 5 Reviews
Get to know Tooele with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Tooele

Windy. Bad traffic. - 10/12/2018
I've lived in Utah all of my life, and in Tooele for 10 years. The traffic is worse than Salt Lake City. Average commute to downtown SLC used to be about 40 minutes. Now it is closer to an hour, on a good day. I-80 and UT-36 are choke points. If there is an accident on either, your commute can easily jump to 2 hours. And then, there is the wind. 40-50 mph gusts every time a storm comes by. Sometimes this lasts for several days. This is the windiest place I have ever seen! Not sure where they got the rainfall stats from. It rains a little in April, a little in October, snow off and on throughout the winter. Expect no rain Read More

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A Great Place to live! - 9/28/2015
I've lived in Utah for about 18 years now. It has become my home. I love raising my children here. I never thought that I would like living in Utah, as a matter of fact I always refused to even visit here, but my attitude has changed. I really can't think of myself living anywhere else at this Read More

Living In Tooele - 12/16/2010
We moved here because of my parents. We were not sure if we would even like it. Three years later, we're still here & wouldn't move if you paid us. Tooele HAS very AFFORDABLE housing costs, utilities, fuel prices & recreational fees. Tooele has little to no crime, small town & family oriented. Community is actually involved with each other. Our kids attended schools in Salt Lake before we moved. They now attend Northlake Elem. We could NOT ask for better teachers, a better principle or better standards! Tooele has GREAT Arts, Education, Community Love & Support, Public Safety & Family Activities. This is a very Military Oriented Community. Yes we still have those who complain, but that's whereever you Read More

great place to live - 4/22/2008
I really like Tooele because of it's small town feel & the amazing views of the mountains & the great salt lake. Tooele is a kinda in between a small town & a mid-size city. Not much to do, but nice & quiet & within 30 - 40 min. of Salt Lake city & other area's for more shopping & Read More

It's all good if you aren't looking for much! - 3/10/2008
I have lived in the town of Tooele for over 10 years now. And the population has grown so little - 9000 people - that we do not even warrant a whole food market or formly Wild Oats market, who say they must have a population of 200,000 in order to consider having a store. Most our population is over 55 not under. We do not have the quality of life I was expecting when we built our home and was promised - well - sunshine and roses. Now, we have urban spread but no business to back it up. Thank god for AppleBee's - they are the only one brave enough to come out here and have seen their business boom. I can't even convince most people here to use recycle bags let alone carry their own bags to the store. I have to drive 65 + miles in order to get a bakery quality loaf of bread or baked good other than Walmart or Albertsons or our other Utah based Associated Foods store. (which if you do not live in Utah Macey's means clothes and high end department store not groceries!) We have Read More

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