Glen Allen, VA Reviews

6 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Glen Allen

In Glen Allen, Virginia, many residents enjoy the quiet and suburban lifestyle while still being close to the city. The town has a strong sense of community and is known for its good schools and low crime rates. However, there are also some concerns about the high cost of living and lack of diversity in the area. To gain a better understanding of what it is like to live in Glen Allen, let's take a look at some user reviews from

According to Stephanie, "Glen Allen is a great place to raise a family. The schools are top-notch and there are plenty of parks and activities for kids. It's a safe and friendly community." This sentiment is echoed by many other reviewers who appreciate the family-friendly atmosphere of Glen Allen.

On the other hand, John mentions that "the cost of living in Glen Allen is quite high compared to other cities in Virginia. Housing prices are especially expensive and there isn't much diversity in the area." This aligns with the data provided by, which shows that the cost of living in Glen Allen is 20% higher than the national average.

Another user, Maria, praises the convenience of living in Glen Allen, saying "it's great to have all the necessary amenities nearby, including shopping centers, restaurants, and medical facilities." This is a common sentiment among reviewers, who appreciate the town's close proximity to major cities like Richmond and Charlottesville.

However, some reviewers have expressed concerns about the lack of entertainment options in Glen Allen. As Darius puts it, "there's not much to do here besides going to the mall or movies. It would be nice to have more diverse options for entertainment." This may be a downside for those seeking a more bustling and vibrant city life.

Overall, it seems that most residents enjoy living in Glen Allen, citing its strong sense of community, good schools, and convenient location. However, the high cost of living and lack of diversity may be deterrents for some. It's important to consider all of these factors when deciding if Glen Allen is the right place for you to live.

 based on 6 Reviews
Get to know Glen Allen with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Glen Allen

City or County, it does not matter. DO NOT brin - 11/17/2015
Regardless of what review you read, no matter how much money you will save, it really does not count when you know that Virginia (a Commonwealth) believes they can stomp on and disregard the USA's Constitutional Rights. Unless you are a criminal defense attorney, of course. Yes, that's right, you have no rights in the State of Virginia. They can and do exercise their "For the Commonwealth's Best" in ever district and circuit court case. Check it out for yourself or come fill their pockets. They are extremely reckless in regards to the 4th Amendment. They down right enjoy abusing and actually spit on it. They can and will profile, search, and randomly stop and pull over each adult, but prefer teens, blacks and Hispanics. If you question my word, just look at the arrest stats and call a local criminal attorney. It is more prevalent south of Woodbrige but who can you Read More

Start Your Review of Glen Allen

Glen Allen - 1/21/2010
Glen Allen is a wonderful city to live Read More

one of the best areas - 5/16/2009
we have lived here for almost 24 years and found the area to be a great place to live in general and to raiser the family. there are many things to do withon 20 miles and the mountains, beaches and washignton dc are all within two hours Read More

Housing - 8/15/2007
Cost of homes is rapidly rising in this area of Read More

Quality of Living with Young Children - 7/29/2007
Glen Allen is an excellent place to raise young children. There are many good local parks one with a small zoo. There is an excellent botanical garden. The childrens museum is very affordable with lots of activities.

Public schools are very good with less than 10% of kids going private. Test scores are excellent. Good art and music programs. Kindergarten children will be able to read sight word books by the end of the year.

Wide variety of mid level and high end shopping within 10-15min drive. Crate and Barrel, Macys, Nordstrom, Bed Bath & Beyond, Sears, Marshalls, WalMart, Home Depot all within five Read More

Climate - Glen Allen - 7/22/2007
Great climate - mild winters and very warm Read More

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