Newport News, VA Reviews

36 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Newport News

Background information: Newport News is a mid-sized city located in southeast Virginia, with a population of over 179,000 residents. It is known for its thriving shipbuilding industry and numerous historical sites, including the Virginia War Museum and the Mariners' Museum. Additionally, Newport News is home to two major military bases, which contribute greatly to its economy.

In this particular place, many users have shared their personal experiences and opinions about living in Newport News. Overall, there is a mix of positive and negative reviews, with some highlighting the city's affordable cost of living and others mentioning issues with crime and traffic.

One user, named Jennifer, shares her love for the city's rich history, saying, "I love living in Newport News because there is always something new to discover. The historical sites and museums are a great way to learn about the city's past." Another positive review from David states, "The cost of living here is much lower compared to other cities in the state, which makes it an ideal place for families."

On the other hand, there are also some negative reviews about Newport News. John mentions, "One of the biggest downsides of living here is the heavy traffic, especially during rush hours. It can be frustrating to commute to work or run errands." Another user, Sarah, expresses her concerns about safety, stating, "Crime is definitely an issue in certain areas of Newport News. I would advise doing thorough research before deciding on a neighborhood to live in."

Overall, the user reviews about living in Newport News provide a well-rounded perspective of the city, highlighting its positives and negatives. It is clear that the city's history, affordability, and proximity to military bases are major draws for some, while others may find the traffic and crime to be drawbacks.

 based on 36 Reviews
Get to know Newport News with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Newport News

Cost of Living too high and too much traffic - 1/15/2007
WHen I first moved here 9 years ago, I like the area. Housing was affordable, and traffic was decent. Since then, housing costs have doubled,(mostly due to an increase in property taxes)whil traffic has gotten worse(makes me wonder what those taxes are going for). Can't wait to Read More

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Patchwork of neigborhoods - 7/23/2006
Real estate prices appear to have peaked in 2005 (right when I purchased my home, bloody hell!). Homes at the mid to higher end are taking longer to sell, following a substantial ramp up in real estate prices from 2001 to 2005. No doubt the interest rate hikes have impacted real estate, but also the increased supply of homes compounded with some downsizing at the military bases have brought about at least a plateau for home prices. Personnel cutbacks at Langley AFB will start to become locally noticeable in 2007.

The roadwork on I-64 has finally been completed--traffic to Norfolk/Virginia Beach (aka the Southside) has gotten better, but there still are delays in getting to Williamsburg and beyond.

Newport News is a patchy town--gated communities interspersed with some rough areas; this kind of skews median home prices. Plenty of cultural opportunities nearby, in Norfolk, Williamsburg, and Va Beach. Read More

MY CITY - 7/10/2006
Newport News is a very easy going city, high military Read More

Easy to get around town - 6/18/2006
The best thing about Newport News is that it's a linear city that runs North to South along the James River. The two main drags are Jefferson Avenue (named after Thomas Jefferson) and Warwick Blvd. The Southern part of the City is old and industrial with Shipyards, Ports and CSX Rail yards. The northern end or "Denbigh" is suburban with Malls, country clubs, and commercial parks. There's a Particle Research Center, a brand new town center and liberal arts college (Christopher Newport University). Most folks work for the Shipyard or Ft. Eustis Army Base. The two hospitals aren't bad, and there's a lot of Museums for navy buffs. Ella Fitzgerald grew-up in the East End but be careful there at night. Newport News is the only city in Southeastern Virginia with an Amtrak Station, Greyhound Station and International Read More

Real Traffic Headache - 12/29/2005
If you are looking to come to the Hampton Roads area, be prepared for a lot of traffic. The housing market has gone much higher than the income levels here can support for very long, so I don't see it lasting much longer in this area. Housing is still very expensive in the entire Hampton Roads Read More

decent - 11/2/2005
I grew up here in the late 70's/early 80's. It's a decent medium sized town that is growing every year. Not a hot spot if you're used to a major metro however it's good place to raise kids for the most part.

The crime rate is creeping up though. Traffic congestion is getting a little worse in proportion to growth. Very historical area to say the least. Colonial Williamsburg on the Peninsula and across the way you have Norfolk and Virginia beach for somewhat diverse shopping.

I'd move back if I ever decided to leave my current residence of Read More

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