Seattle, WA Reviews

321 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Seattle

Seattle, Washington is a major city located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is known for its beautiful natural surroundings, thriving tech industry, and vibrant cultural scene. However, like any city, it has its own unique set of pros and cons when it comes to living there.

According to reviews on, many users have shared their experiences living in Seattle. Overall, it seems that the city's natural beauty and diverse population are highly praised, while the high cost of living and traffic are common complaints. User "Samantha" writes, "Seattle is an amazing city filled with art, nature, and opportunity. It's a melting pot of different cultures and I love the diversity here." Similarly, user "David" says, "The scenery in Seattle is breathtaking. You have mountains, lakes, and forests all within reach." However, the cost of living is a recurring concern. User "Emily" states, "The cost of living here is exorbitant. It's difficult to find affordable housing and the traffic is terrible." Another user, "Mark", adds, "I love Seattle but I wish it was more affordable. The high cost of living can make it challenging to enjoy all the city has to offer."

 based on 321 Reviews
Get to know Seattle with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Seattle

Rain - 5/17/2006
I grew up in Seattle and the rain did'nt bother me, I did'nt think it was that bad. Then I moved to a few different states(Florida, Alaska, Michigan, Utah, and Quebec Canada) and when I came back I could not beleive how much it rains here. In November my wife and I are moving to Boston; large in part because of the weather. I don't think I can handle another depressing Read More

Start Your Review of Seattle

Moving to USA from UK - 5/15/2006
Moving to the US from UK in 3 weeks time. My husband currently works in Seattle but I would like to move to Texas. Looking for some comparisons for both Read More

Student Affairs - 5/12/2006
Looking to leave Read More

Beautiful about 3 months of the year - 4/27/2006
When it's sunny in Seattle there's no place more beautiful. Trouble is you waste away under dull gray skies 9 months out of the Read More

Seattle people are unsociable - 4/25/2006
I lived in Seattle for over ten years and I am glad to be moving away from it.

Seattle is a very clean city, has fresh air, little crime, and the people are polite. However, IMHO Seattle is a boring place to live
and although people are polite..... they are distant. In other words they tend to keep themselves to themselves and I would
descrive them as "politely unsociable". A co-worker described Seattlites as

'friendly but they don't want to be your friend'.

It is VERY difficult to get into any social circles here. Most people I've talked to only have, at most, two friends outside
their family unit. Most socialization is within the family unit and rarely extends outside of this.

Although on paper, Seattle is a good place for singles, I have found that it is a very family oriented city. You may not get
a very warm welcome in resturants if you ask for a table for one. In one particular instance at Read More

Something good to say - 4/25/2006
I hope to be accepting a job in Seattle soon, But Does ANYONE have anything good to say about the place. I shall be moving from the UK, and what I have read on this site is not encouraging. If you want to whing about poor quality of life, crap schools, hospitals, transport, overcrowding rude, dirty, crime ridden places, come to the UK.
Can someone please give me some positive info on Read More
SIMON | ,  | Reply | No Replies

moving to Seattle - 4/22/2006
My husband just accepted a job in Seattle and we plan to move in the next few months. What I really want to know is whether this is a good place to live. What makes Seattle special and what suburbs should a family be looking to put down roots? I want a "feel" for the place, numbers and ratios only cover the tops of the trees. Read More

Lifer in Seattle - 4/19/2006
After 52 years living inside the Seattle city limits I have had a chance to experience the ups and downs of Seattle "today". Although our pace is not as frantic as New York City and our skies are not as sullen as those of San Francisco, there are a few things you must know. People are friendly in some neighborhoods, others they are frankly just too busy to be nice. And you can hit a sunny, bright blue sky one day and overcast with a drizzle the next (even in July). We have great parks, wonderful beaches (yeah, Alki!)
and a lot of good places to eat. Salty's for a waterview (expensive) or Alki Crab & Fish with the same view and a lot of change in your pocket. Cafe Flora for vegetarian meal within a sunroom type setting. Vivace on the hill for best Read More

relocating to Seattle - 4/15/2006
I would also like to relocate and one of the options I have is Seattle. However I have never been to Seattle.

What is the best area to live (including suburbs)? Is public transportation reliable? Is it hard to find a job in the insurance industry?

Please advise.

Thanks Read More

Green and clean - 4/15/2006
Seattle is a great place. Rains too much, but it's beautiful in Summer and there is lots to Read More

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