Cheyenne, WY Reviews

59 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Cheyenne

Cheyenne, Wyoming is a city located in the southeastern part of the state, known for its wide open spaces and western charm. It is the capital of Wyoming and the most populous city in the state. With a population of around 65,000, it is a relatively small city compared to other major cities in the United States. Many people choose to live in Cheyenne for its affordable cost of living, low crime rates, and access to outdoor recreational activities. However, there are also some downsides to living in Cheyenne, such as harsh winter weather and limited job opportunities. Below are excerpts from four different user reviews about living in Cheyenne, showcasing a variety of opinions and perspectives.

1. From "John S.": "I've lived in Cheyenne for over 20 years and I absolutely love it. The small town feel is great and the people are friendly. It's also a very safe place to live, with low crime rates. The only downside is the cold winters, but if you're used to it, it's not too bad."

2. From "Emily D.": "I moved to Cheyenne for a job opportunity and have been here for a year. Overall, I'm not a fan. The city feels pretty isolated and there isn't much to do. The winter weather is brutal and the summers can be scorching. I'm also not a fan of the conservative politics and lack of diversity."

3. From "Mark T.": "Cheyenne is a great place to raise a family. The schools are good, there are plenty of parks and outdoor activities, and the cost of living is affordable. As a bonus, it's only a short drive to the mountains for skiing or hiking. My only complaint is that it can feel a bit slow-paced at times."

4. From "Maria L.": "I've lived in many different cities and Cheyenne is by far my favorite. The community here is incredibly supportive and welcoming. There's always something going on, whether it's a festival, farmers market, or concert. The only downside is the lack of job opportunities, especially for young professionals."

 based on 59 Reviews
Get to know Cheyenne with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Cheyenne

assistance needed please - 5/6/2007
We are considering a move to Cheyenne in August. I have a special needs son. Was wondering how the schools are? Are they able to meet his needs? Also was Cheyenne family oriented? Are people there neighborly? Also is there a good work ethic amonst people? I find people of the west are less lazy and more willing to go the extra mile. For all the New Yorkers that complain about the people and weather.......Shame on a former New YORKER I WAS APPALLED TO HEAR the whining and complaining. Maybe it was your attitude towards others that turned people off. To have a friend is to be a friend. Do unto others as you would want done unto you. Slow down and enjoy life..... if thats not what you expected, why leave New York and go Read More

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Blown away! - 3/16/2007
Cost of decent housing in Cheyenne is outrageous! For what the asking price is here, one could obtain a reasonably luxurious condo or home in Austin, Texas. The salary base can't support the cost of housing here unless one chooses substandard Read More

cheyenne is the shiz - 2/23/2007
i moved here from cali and cheyenne is way better than the hustle and bustle of santa rosa avenue or the crime jesus christ can i tell you about the low crime and low arrest rate of the city of Read More

See ya!! - 2/7/2007
Why are all the negative postings about Cheyenne from people from New York? You can spot a New Yorker in a minute - they're rude and think they own the country. If you don't like Cheyenne, take a hike back to NY and the smog and millions of people trying to maneuver the Read More

NYC to CYN - 2/5/2007
I have to laugh at those Easteners, particularly Cynthia from NYC - what did you guys expect - moving from the cosmopolitan East to the bucolic West. People aren't polite in Cheyenne, unlike NYC!!! What an irony, I lost count of how many times someone tried to run me off the road, sell me drugs or a woman, attempted to mug me... And the politeness factor of New York City denizens - why it's worse than Germany!

Maybe it's that you're being rude or arrogant and they're just giving back what you give freely!

Yes, please pack up and head back to NYC, you must really love the place since you moved so far Read More

Cheyenne is a joke! - 2/5/2007
I agree 100% with another poster who's view of Cheyenne is exactly what I experience on a daily basis. I also moved here from NYC a few years ago and my experience here has also not been positive. I do not agree that people here are friendly, it is just the opposite. I do not think that people here were ever taught to say Thank you or to say excuse me when wanting to pass by in a crouded Walmart or Target. Culturally Cheyenne is castrated, no museums unless you count the western museums and music is basically limited to country western stations on the radio and country western performers at Frontier Days. In NYC people are very into fitness and taking care of their appearance, people take pride in the way they look when going to work and school. I am 42 and I work out and eat right, the majority of the people here are overweight, and are chainsmoking alcoholics. The young people here look as if they roll out of bed when going to school, just for the record pajama bottoms are for bed Read More

the way of their life - 1/26/2007
cheyenne is a very relaxing place. they love life and are the nicest people you could ever meet. i highly recommend thta you check into Read More

opinion of cheyenne - 1/19/2007
Cheyenne is a hell hole. The people here are hateful, especially if you are of an ethnic background. No one here can drive. There is nothing to do here for adultsthe only things to do here is have kids and get drunk. Decent places to live here are over priced. Unless you have more than a high school degree, don't plan on making more than 8 dollars an hour and that is if your lucky. Jobs here are sorry, pay here is sorry, basically anything having to do with Cheyenne sucks. Frontier Days thats the only thing that goes on here. Is the sadest thing if you've been here once for this so-called event than don't come back because it is the same thing every single time. A waste of time and money. If you like heatful, no driving people, sorry, under paid jobs, overpriced,crappy places to live than Cheyenne is the place for Read More

Just the way it is - 12/26/2006
Just a moment of time to explain, then again, If I have to explain you wouldn't understand. Isn't that how it goes? The state of Wyoming isn't for the faint of heart. If you love the Outdoors and not your couch you'll be fine. Cheyenne is breezy, ok, many times Windy, but we have No air polution. There are some slow drivers, but we have a lot of Families with children, it's in their mindset to be careful. We have many Senior Citizens,(slower), that proves they stayed here to grow old & enjoy their Families w/ now air polution. There are many that dress Western, hey people, we're in the West. Hint, History Channel. Get out a little more & you'll realize there are Thousands that dress to the 9's & may or may not have Professional positions. We're minutes from Ft. Collins, an hour from Denver, and if you drive West you'll find breathtaking views of our own Mountains. No city traffic or major crime, and we can tell if you're friendly also. Why go out of your way for just one Read More

cheyenne secret jewel of the high plains - 12/3/2006
very laid back. not too much hustle and bustle. close enough to ft collins & denver to fill any big city need, but far enough to feel free of the city stresses. it is great to wake up and see the rockies year round. i've lived in southeast missouri, northwest florida, and omaha, nebraska. of them all, i'll keep Read More

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