United States / Washington / Bellingham Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Bellingham, Washington

Boring, Not Progressive, and Overpriced
Star Rating - 3/19/2019
This is not a progressive or forward-thinking town. It’s more of the place that follows trends set by others. It seems like all the white hipsters that couldn’t make it in Portland languish here, brewing beer, smoking a ton of weed, working 10 hours a week if at all, preaching values that they don’t actually act upon (There are exceptions of course, but this is the trend). Don’t expect a Seattle or Portland vibe-this place is surprisingly uptight and narrow-minded. Don’t let the nose rings and tattoos fool you. Very little diversity; a Lily white town.

As the vacancy rate for rentals is less than 1%, you will be at the mercy of slumlords and crooked property management companies, competing with privileged college kids for rentals, unless you are wealthy enough to buy...houses are starting at over $400k. As a result, there is almost no middle class, an overwhelming amount of homeless roaming the streets for the size of the town, and countless homeless camps in parks and open spaces. It’s definitely the type of place that preaches inclusion, compassion and forward-thinking, but is filled with self-absorbed 20 and 30 something’s with no goals or direction, who don’t even volunteer or help to make their community better. There is also an increasing amount of privileged white retirees pouring in from Seattle, Arizona, California and Texas (yes, Texas!) who drive up prices across the board and contribute nothing to the health and vitality of the community.

And sadly, the “cultural life” is run of the mill, cliched and tired, based on trends that hit major cities over 5-10 years ago. If you like bluegrass, this is your place. Want to learn to brew your own kombucha or watch yet another aerial acrobats performance? Yawn.

It is a very cold, unfriendly town. There is endless entitlement and snobbery. Like everywhere at this point, there is a very noticeable public health crisis in the form of illegal and prescription drug abuse, visible in many areas of town.

The nature is gorgeous but it doesn’t make up for the massive failings of this town and many of its citizens.
Mckenna | Eugene, OR
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5 Replies

This is total and complete bullshit.
Paxon | Bellingham, WA | Report Abuse

Spot on. I will say, there are definitely worse places to live in Washington and the Northwest. And I find people here to be generally friendly, but it's hard to break the ice, especially with people under 40. When I moved here, I was really excited to be near Seattle, Vancouver, and Portland. Now I realize those places just suck away the most talented, interesting people. I'm mostly liberal, but the arrogant, close-minded liberals around here piss me off. Bellingham made a great first impression for me. I started hating it within a few months. Beneath the pretty veneer, this is a boring, third-rate city with a badly run, third-rate university. But it's paradise if your life revolves around hiking, kayaking, and weed.
Greg | Bellingham, WA | Report Abuse

Good lord, you sound like such a miserable, overly judgmental, pretentious human being. Comical to see this coming from someone in Eugene. Seems fitting. Try positivity, maybe the world wouldn't seem so sucky. You get back the energy that you put out. Bellingham is a beautiful town. Manage your expectations and maybe don't pass judgment on those that you perceive as so different from yourself.
Jeb | Soulsbyville, CA | Report Abuse

Good lord, you sound like such a miserable, overly judgmental, pretentious human being. Comical to see this coming from someone in Eugene. Seems fitting. Try positivity, maybe the world wouldn't seem so sucky. You get back the energy that you put out. Bellingham is a beautiful town. Manage your expectations and maybe don't pass judgment on those that you perceive as so different from yourself.
Jeb | Soulsbyville, CA | Report Abuse

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