Review of Browns Mills nj Not Fo, North Dakota

Browns Mills New Jersey sucks
Star Rating - 7/22/2021
I lived here in browns Mills New Jersey for 25 years it's a shame if you really want to know what a town is like go to the local Wawa preferably between 6:00 and 9:00 at night look at the clientele that will tell you what your town is going to be like since the epidemic we got the governor brought in very very low income folks to live here and believe me it brought down browns Mills from about 60% crap to all 95%. Go to the local Wawa and s*** and watch since the epidemic more filthier people has came here from all over the town Camden Trenton Philly now we have a handful of trannies running around dancing like a bunch of tulips we got one of them prostituting up and down the street dirt bikes in the last 2 years has got so far out of hand with dirt bikes and quads racing all day and nights and the cops hands are tied just Governor you got there is about useless it don't take a rocket scientist to realize that all crime being done with Robin looting stealing murders guns illegal guns I mean is all done and Democratic states look at it yourself now you're governor in New Jersey passed a law that you can't search question talk to a parent or nothing of a juvenile including if they see drugs on them as I said Democratic states only so think before you move whether you're Democratic or Republican move to a Republican state we got major socialism in this country that's your president and his crew I'll give you a fast rundown you may not like President Trump when he was in office but one thing you can say he was business he dealt with China he had jobs coming out our back end we had many jobs he dealt with these countries that was sticking it to us making other countries pay their share then biden's crew got in then you say no voting fraud just think it is every state has Robin looting and burning and murders like this heavy murders I mean gun problems with illegal guns every one of them look for yourself is Democratic or States look at Chicago Cincinnati Philadelphia New Jersey crime ridden little kids getting hurt and killed it's a shame it's called socialism now think it is everyone that Rob lute Burns seal and gun murders and everything is done a democratical States black lives matter if you want to March in protest you do a peacefully you don't burn Rob Lowe and kill then you got the voting fraud look they just proven that Donald Trump won they did it count independent company that the democratics used for themselves before they want to give someone checks maybe get off your back ends and work for a living then they open the jobs because too many people were really bugging out about it then the problem is then he want to pay an extra unemployment of $300 a week so people wouldn't work it's called socialism this country is falling down and if you think that's bad just look at the inner cities look up browns Mills come to Wawa seriously park in the parking lot dead in front of the doors or back up into a spot and watch they brought in every riff Raff around now when you work hard and you want to live at a somewhat better area because you work hard to pay to have that they want to bring in low income and ruining it because they deserve it too no they don't they only deserve if they work for it that's how we got ours and where I live at is not what they call upper end but is better end of browns Mills or police here work very hard but the hands are tied this crap they your Governor pass with not searching these kids how you supposed to find the ones with drugs or guns on them the drug dealers just having the kids hold the guns and drugs cuz you can't start some requesting them look what they did in LBI New Jersey Twitter place apart it's been at the cops told them they can't do nothing about it well the American people better wake up I'll tell you right now they better not try that around me these kids I will put my foot so far up your back door when they sneeze it's going to come out the back end American people better start standing up vote Republican whether you're a Democrat or not wake up look around I don't know about you working class people out there like me but I haven't got no big money from nobody I work for a living I work three jobs I don't get no bonuses I don't get to unemployment in welfare checks and similar checks and bonus checks for being unemployed and not want to go to work look in your schools socialism China diseases that's biden's crew low Republican and for those of you that want to move to browns Mills if you're a riff Raff this is the place to live this is including the governor the mayors of New Jersey please come down to our neck of the woods come to browns Mills New Jersey Wawa and s*** in the parking lot and look at the dancing tulips that's a lovely thing to see look at the crackheads and mayor of browns Mills you need to shut that hotel down next to the Wawa in browns Mills it is 100% illegals there I'm tired of paying for everyone now for you so I think they should be here maybe you usually want to sign something that allows them to move in your house and you pay for them for the next 10 years because no it's not helping the economy in any way they work under the table mail their money to Mexico live off of welfare places to live like the hotels and apartments they get food cash free health care I work three jobs and I don't have health care I don't get stimulant checks take a look at the fine high quality hotel you got next to the Wawa on the right of Wawa come take a look at it look at the illegals 20 or 30 and a crew all drunk walk across from the liquor store to the Chinese place and then stagging and falling in the parking lot making it back to the hotelon the taxpayers dollars so we'll never with any of these illegals coming in here ever going to help us in the long run in any way we're going down a tubes free rent hotels motels apartments insurance on them in a 30 kids they got health insurance food cash look around come the wall on you'll see what I'm talking about they mail their money back to Mexico they work under the table and they still get all the benefits in the free everything so how in any way will help the economy you want to keep them here sign a piece of paper say that you're going to take a responsibility of them for 10 years and I bet you won't sign nothing then will you and for you to say oh I pay tax for a living also it takes 217 working class people to pay in one month taxes to cover the age of $12,000 a month it takes to take care of one illegal family with five kids so wake up vote Republican also for those they have Comcast push the button and say newsmax news believe me pay attention to it it's the best news you're ever going to listen to in your life you can also do with your phone for use to have different stuff like satellite and stuff look it up go to newsmax on your phone you can read it and listen to it I'm telling you it's a must read and see in here it's called newsmax news vote Republican get rid of socialism just look at California they're walking in stores strip in the stores and walking right out without pain you can't arrest nobody if the items under $1,000 you can't question kids you can't search them you can't ask him nothing you can't go to their parents you can burn Robin loop steel and murder and get a throat out of court all Democratic states look it up I know the news ain't telling you about all the murders go to newsmax they're going to show you stuff that will rock your world good luck in browntown
Joemomy | Browns Mills, NJ
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- 7/9/2012
cost of living
Compare to other areas of South Jersey, Browns Mills is pretty low... but still a little o...
Sean | Browns Mills, NJ | No Replies