Review of Charleston, West Virginia

Crime at hospitals in Charleston CAMC Charleston G
Star Rating - 7/30/2010
I have lived many places but think of Charleston, W.Va. as being somewhere between Dueling Banjo country and a shadow state. At both hospitals in Charleston I was the victim of a violent crime as a visitor and patient. The first event occured when visiting my grandmother and we were held at gunpoint by a stranger. He was identified by an out of state federal law enforcement agency. On the second occassion I was attacked during my own medical diagnostic procedure. I believe these people accessed e-mail I sent to an elected official the person who received it found the information to present a lucrative opportunity. I have been asked by a politician here for money in exchange for providing information which was in the parameter of duties of his office, I have had police refuse to permit me to make an appointment with the Chief of Police. The police do not confer with prosecutors to determine if cases merit investigation, the police confer with a law firm. Unfortunately the uniformed police who are behind the reception desk at the hospitals are off duty and on hospital payroll. The hospital and the city police are represented by the same law firm which also represents the elected state official. The culture here is one which evolved through failure, high unemployment, lack of educated citizens,geographic isolation and poverty. Statistics place WV among the countries highest in unwed underage pregnancies, high in illiteracy, and high in crime. The Civil Service Commission in W.Va. is disregarded by what appears to be a gang from St. Albans who violate all labor laws by slandering, threatening and insulting high scoring applicants. After the chemical plants left the area employment in the Capitol City became limited to unskilled labor, hospitals, state and county and city governemnt. Society is stratified with few professionals in the city, most white collar professionals are MD's, attorney's or the few remaining engineers. Women are limited to state or local government low paying jobs, or retail. Teaching is one of the few options available for women with degrees. Many businesses have failed in the state capital, just blocks from the state capitol which has a gold plated dome are decaying inner city slums, mean streets. Most of the state exists as a rural industrial slum with widespread drug use and many gangs Unlike gangs based on drug sales, local gangs here rely on family networks. Nespotism in city government and state government is rampant. The attitudes of men here are resemblant of men from all impoverished areas, their lack of power and money require they dominate women to elevate their self esteem. The slum and ghetto conditions of those in satellite areas near Charleston, such as Maldon and St. Albans, involve the same lower class and powerty level behavioral manifestations as in any inner city slum. Lack of education for this stratum of society is a badge of honor. The average W.V'ian whines a lot about their lack of education, their poverty but at the same time award positive recognition to those who can prove they are in greatest need. Although many people are not competent or qualified to perform in state government or agencies on which the population depends, they remain in offices they cannot manage. One example is the amount of money spent on state and city web pages which the secretaries and office do not know how to use. The hospital here state labor unions do not permit drug testing of employees but alcohol abuse is prevalent among staff at hospitals. ALso many hospital employees are graduates of Shermansville Colllege which admits students with SAT scores of 11. ELeven.
The two major universities, Marshall and W.V.U. are overrated. Marshall does not require ethics classes of their law students, W.V.U is a party school with very easy classes requiring little intellectual ability. Theft of property is common with office workers reporting their winter coats stolen during snow storms. There is little night life here and during daytime business hours the downtown area is so void of pedestrians the streets echoe. W.Va. has no cultural venues to speak of, this is a dirty, mean town of primarily unemployed blue collar workers. The chasm between only 2 social classes has created resentment among the uneducated who are delighted to hurt those perceived as being at an economic advantage. It is a good place for people who wish to be gang members Loyalty of law enforcement is to the brotherhood and their part time employers, not the citizens. Women in law enforcment offices have refused to provide addresses of the location for FBI offices and also for the court necessary to petition for restraining orders. In some ways the charasmatic religious sects resemble the Taliban with norms impacting opportunities for women and repressing free speech. Text books were burned here not too long ago, included in the burned books were titles by Hemmingway, Fitzgerald and Salinger. Racism and religious intolerance are extreme in this area. It is dangerous, corrupt and dirty in W.Va. The two major newspapers in the capitol city are owned by the same family, the "Republican" paper is owned by a Democrat, very little news about corruption or problems in the area are brought to light or made public. Attitudes and values here lag about 25 years behind the rest of the country. This is another planet. It is not a good place to be and I would not recommend a vacation in this area it can be dangerous. The KKK is here, the Pagans are here, and strange religious sects are here. At least 2 Governors have gone to prison. It is rumored State Police are hired guns for politicians
The FBI and DOJ seem to contract services from the same firm which represents the city, the hospital and the elected officials. Justice is not accessible here for crime victims who wish to prosecute violations of law involving certain people. Drug abuse and cultivation of the forests for marijuana are among the most important industry. For many here, as in the inner city, drug dealing is the only economic opportunity available. These sentiments are based on many conversations with people too poor to go to another city for employment searches or too old to leave. The population in WV is declining, largely because this is a state based on a criminal lower class culture which does not reward integrity or education or ability. When I was a crime victim I telephoned friends out of state before I was taken seriously by the locals. Socially appropriate behavior in the work place as well as during informal gatherings seems to be unknown. In my life I have never met women who were so hostile to one another as they are in W.Va. Emotional immaturity reflects the average maturity of a 14 year old among adult women as a consequence of generations of children having children, the poverty aside the children are spoiled and do not control their emotions. When I reported the crime to the hospital a secretary told me to go to H... and said I was a Sl...T, she said, in her thick hick accent she would KEEEL (Kill) me for talking trash about the hospital. Then as I had no choice but continue to go there with family member and for my own treatement, I was attacked by a work gang. W.Va. should have barbed wire around it to keep the animals caged.
Bp | Charleston, WV
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1 Replies

This has got to be the most inaccurate description of this beautiful state and it's wonderful people I have ever seen! This state is full of pride, love, family values, and pure unadulterated joy in life.The people here are among some of the sweetest and most friendliest on the planet! I can name 50 schools elementary and high school levels that h!he the countries level 5 ratings. Downtown is ALLWAYS busy in the daylight working hours and that can be attested by a walk down the Boulevard. Not once did you mention the Clay Center, which often host a slew of Symphonies, plays, and other liberal arts works, nor did you mention Snow Shoe Resort, New River Gorge , nor numerous other attractions, our Civics Center holds many concerts from top billed singers and bond whom are famous world wide.As for the colleges here both are great schools with wonderful education curriculum. Yes there are drugs, and gangs here as with any city in this "country but you have let a bad experience color your view. On my remaining thought is its people.....people who dont know the word quit!!!!! That are willing to help the fellow neighbors. People who still believe in God. That have respect for there local Police Department, a place where there Hillbilly twang can be here with yes mam, no mam, please, and thank you....We have one of the toughest Child Protection laws in the country where children are put first, we believe in simplicity , the right t bear arms, and the right to live in the pursuit of happiness, SOMTHING that isn't found in to many other places. So before you go posting about straight up untruths, please include all things good or bad!
Helen | Charleston, WV | Report Abuse
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Charleston has a lot going on for being a small city. Capitol Street has great restaurants...
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Reconfirming another poster's views
Good stuff: -nice countryside in the outskirts -quiet and descent homes on the hill if y...
Thomas | Charleston, WV | 1 Reply

- 7/30/2010
Crime at hospitals in Charleston CAMC Charleston G
I have lived many places but think of Charleston, W.Va. as being somewhere between Dueling...
Bp | Charleston, WV | No Replies

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