Review of Cheyenne, Wyoming

Star Rating - 2/5/2007
I have to laugh at those Easteners, particularly Cynthia from NYC - what did you guys expect - moving from the cosmopolitan East to the bucolic West. People aren't polite in Cheyenne, unlike NYC!!! What an irony, I lost count of how many times someone tried to run me off the road, sell me drugs or a woman, attempted to mug me... And the politeness factor of New York City denizens - why it's worse than Germany!

Maybe it's that you're being rude or arrogant and they're just giving back what you give freely!

Yes, please pack up and head back to NYC, you must really love the place since you moved so far away!
John | Anchorage, AK
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Having lived all over the place, Cheyenne included (twice, I might add), I have to say that it doesn't take someone being rude for a person to get rudeness from a typical resident there. I like the area because it is small and "quaint", but the people aren't the nicest, the pay is horrible and the wind is positively aweful! When you are driving down I25 and there are semi's tipped over into the median because of the wind, you know that it is too windy there! I am currently looking for where I'd like to relocate and immediately crossed Cheyenne off the list just because of the wind! I have a 1 1/2 year old daughter and I don't want to have to tether her to the porch or go find her blown away to Nebraska each time she wants to play outside! Anyone that wants to make a decent living needs to stay away from Cheyenne. It's for retiree's and military people with a guarenteed paycheck!
Wendy | Mesa, AZ | Report Abuse
- 6/18/2021
Great place to live and visit
The center of Cheyenne retains the character of America with traditional western values. E...
Jonathan | Cheyenne, WY | No Replies

- 2/24/2021
A great place if you can stand the winter wind
My husband, dogs, and I have lived in Cheyenne for almost two years. The pros: Che...
Katie | Cheyenne, WY | No Replies

- 12/15/2020
Cold place to live.
I've lived in Cheyenne for almost 52 years. Most things here are just right. Housing, on ...
Gregory | Cheyenne, WY | No Replies

- 7/15/2020
Cheyenne is nice and great if it does not change.
I have lived in Cheyenne for a year, and I loved it. Pros 1. Small, not crazy city 2...
Bennett | Cheyenne, WY | No Replies

- 4/29/2019
It has been a great place to raise a family.
I've lived in Cheyenne for 35+ years. Prior to coming to Cheyenne, I lived in the SE us. ...
James | Cheyenne, WY | 2 Replies

- 7/28/2018
Long time resident.
Cheyenne overall is a great place to live. As a military brat and serving myself i have l...
Roy | Cheyenne, WY | No Replies