Review of College Place, Washington

The truth about Wonderful Walla Walla.
Star Rating - 3/27/2019
I've lived in Walla Walla since 1987 when I came here to go to college. I fell in love with the city and stayed. College Place is a suburb of Walla Walla. We have long hot summers where it can go 3+ months without a drop of rain. Sunshine every single day. The winters can be completely devoid of snow or drop 3 ft during the winter. Every year is different. The Chamber of Commerce claims there are only 32,000 people but that is a lie. The city has claimed this population count for 30+ years and I can't figure out why. There is at least 100,000 people here or more! I work for the local newspaper and I drive around town 6 days a week, I know the population is WAY more than they claim. Walla Walla is the prettiest city I have ever seen, bar none. There are new streets going in everywhere and quarter million dollar plus homes are going up like crazy. Where all these people are coming from, I don't know. We have a large wine culture here so maybe they are affiliated with that. I've seen license plates from Cal, Tx, Idaho, Az, and many other places. Rental property prices have skyrocketed. It's becoming hard to find a place you can afford, now. We have giant, old trees everywhere. Many of the streets have trees so large that their branches arch over the streets and actually touch the trees on the other side. Beautiful. Like driving through a tunnel of leaves. And there are people of every culture here. We have a very large Hispanic population here who own many of the homes. Every one gets along. There is no problem on that score. People are friendly and helpful. Doesn't matter if your white, black, or hispanic. Someone will stop and help you if you need help. Good medical and dental facilities here too. We have a large senior population, too. I love Walla Walla and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

anne | Walla Walla, WA
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