Review of Erie, Pennsylvania

Giant Dump
Star Rating - 8/11/2018
Born and raised in Erie pa, Lucky enough to earn an above average living here. (Moved out of Erie) However in the big sceme of things that doesn’t mean much two people working at McDonald’s make an above average living here. Erie is home to the poorest zip code in state of PA - 16503 where average annual income is under 11,000. Erie is the epitome of terrible liberal politics and a horrible education system. Kindergarten teachers make 75,000 a year but annual household incomes hover around 28,000. Erie was listed by wall street journal as number 1 worst city in country for black people. Growing up in Erie I would state crime and poverty are rampant in the black communities. There are nice areas left very few there is however a giant bridge that’s crumbling people want to spend millions to save. Also a very large historic landmark was demolished and turned into a parking lot for a crummy car dealership. (Koehler Brewery) Anyone wants to know what life is like in Erie watch the extreme home makeover special where they gave a woman a house who never paid her bills or taxes.
Jason | Erie, PA
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I grew up in Erie and still live here. I've worked with people who were transients at my employer who were working their way up the ladder. They came and went, when they left, they said Erie is the best kept secret. The issues we have are common in other towns. Here the citizens don't like change. They elect the same officials over and over and nothing changes. When new blood is elected because the old ones are too old, the new person's ideas are shunned. If the politicians wouldn't be so self-centered and the citizens would start calling them out, and the news media wouldn't be biased just report facts, I think it would shake out the "good ole boys" and start making it better. Yes in the African American and Hispanic sections there are issues and again it's back on the citizens. Take the chip off their shoulders, stop using drugs and having offspring born addicted! Grandparents are raising the kids. The kids need to be disciplined, try to learn, don't look for freebies but work to be somebody. Some companies are adopting schools, but it has to start in their homes and the rest of the community. The other issues businesses don't like to pay a decent wage. Pennsylvania minimum wage is around $7.25/hr. So businesses are offering $8.00-$12.00/hr you can't live on that. Their merchandise is priced for people earning $20 + an hour. This is a good town to raise kids in the suburbs, but we have to break up the petty clicks, start helping each other and the improvements will lead to better jobs, better income, more buying power, improved relationships, and a nice community. How many cities can boast having 5 universities in 20 mile radius? 7 miles of beaches, a natural harbor, 20-30 golf courses with reasonable fees that almost anyone can afford to play. A hockey team, a baseball team, college basketball, boating, skiing, top quality arts, 3 major metropolitan cities Cleveland, OH, Pittsburgh, PA, and Buffalo NY all within a 2 hr drive. Winter skiing and sports 20 minutes to 1 hour away. Churches for probably every denomination there is. Synagogs and Mosques. Many micro breweries, wineries, and don't worry about drunk driving because we have the law enforcement to set up target areas to keep it all in check. A couple of yacht clubs, a public library with multiple branches, small communities around the city producing fresh produce. A national forest to camp in 1 hour away. A casino in the city and the Indian casino 40 minutes away. Chautauqua Institution 35 min drive. An international airport, which would be better if we had a few more businesses and then we could maybe get fiber internet for the county instead of cable. There are a great number of good qualities, the citizens just need to get off their duffs and check their egocentric attitudes and think our community instead of my community. I believe if we all started to make that change this would be a great community, even with 67-120 inches of snow a season! The citizens reach into their pockets to give cash to many of the charitable organizations. So they are generous with the cash they have. But it would be better if they also gave time and ideas and if the leaders would be respectful to the citizens, listen and try new things. We can dump millions around the bayfront, but we're not making headway in the entire community. The investment is based on what a select few want because they own the property. Start helping the small business man, fight the crime by getting to the root cause, drugs, no parental supervision, talk to the kids understand why the gang is their home, bust up the gangs or work with the gang leaders to train them to be community leaders. Start cleaning up the neighborhoods. Teach people with little or no skills, skills to earn a living, teach responsibility and accountability. All hard work, but if everyone would start to assist not just with monetary contributions but with mentoring and assisting. Those who don't have a good life because they can' hold a job, let's start giving them skills. If you want to live in a great town and aren't certain about moving here, take a vacation, check it all out and maybe you can share your talent to make this a great small town to live in.
chuck | Erie, PA | Report Abuse
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