United States / South Carolina / 24860 / Greenville County / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Greenville, South Carolina

Beautiful city, nice climate, people are cold
Star Rating - 11/14/2017
If you are not Southern, not a Baptist, believe in evolution and carbon dating this may not be the place for you. People here insist that the earth is 5,000 years old, evolution is a lie, etc. I had no idea that people still believed these things until I came here. I travel to Asheville every chance I get, people seem nicer and more intelligent on average. The weather is usually really nice. I lived in Miami most of my life, also New York and London. Therefore, the humidity doesn't bother me because I've seen worse. Neighbors don't tend to befriend neighbors here. This place is a magnet for religious zealots, and trust me, religion doesn't make people nicer, it makes them judgmental and critical. They tend to run with the folks in their churches, where they all feel they are chosen by God for something special. Religion is like a drug here, and they criticize other religions. I feel more like a foreigner here than I did living in England for 3 years. Having said that, the cost of living is really low, I have a huge home on almost 8 acres, taxes are low and I paid under 500k for my house. I've lived here 10 years and don't even have to pick up the phone to say goodbye to anyone. If you have family and friends to spend time with, this may be a great place. I talked some people into moving here and they both went back to Florida in less than 1 year. People in Florida don't have time for gossip or being critical of neighbors. But for the short time I had my Miami friends here, I truly had a lot of fun enjoying the downtown and hiking on Paris Mountain. If you can make friends, you may like it. First place I've ever lived without friends. Rent first, sure wish I had. Was originally going to Asheville. came here due to cost of living so low. It cost me 10 years of my life. We are moving to Asheville now, finally convinced my husband. He got a job, so I'm as good as gone!

tracy | Simpsonville, SC
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14 Replies

Tracy, Sadly, I have to agree with you. Greenville itself is a beautiful city. It's the perfect size and basically has everything you need. The downtown is awesome and one of my favorite things. The weather is quite tolerable with four seasons. The downside was not being able to make close friends. We only had acquaintances we'd bump into on occasion when we went out. We tried inviting people over and nobody would ever show let alone respond. This is a big deal to me. Never, have I had this problem anywhere else that I lived. I met one close friend and her sister who were from CA and that was it. I grew up in PA and lived in Central FL 13 years before coming to Greenville. I thought for sure that it was the place after researching for several years. We lived there for four years and had enough. Guess what, we took the same path as you. We now live in Asheville. (thanks to my grown son suggesting it over and over) It's been just over a year and we have had the total opposite experience here. The people are so much more friendly here. People here will do anything for anyone to help. I never lived in such a caring place before. I met another guy, the other day, that lived in Greenville and moved to Asheville. He sai "no matter where you go here, you are never a stranger". He hit the nail on the head. One other thing, weather is another big deal to me. I like the weather better in Greenville but that was not enough to hold me back. I wish Greenville didn't end up being like that because I really do like it otherwise. It's a great place to visit but to live there is another story. Hopefully, this will change over time.
Bcat | Longwood, FL | Report Abuse

Maybe you're just an azzhole?
goob | Virginia Beach, VA | Report Abuse

Maybe you're just not as nice a person as you think you are.
goob | Virginia Beach, VA | Report Abuse

I've lived in Greenville for several years (not anymore!) and I've spent time in Asheville as well. Asheville is an oasis in a sea of southern ignorance. I would love to live there and am presently in process of selling my home here in SW Florida, another area infested with ignorant so-called religious people who aren't!
Galen | Cape Coral, FL | Report Abuse

Tracy Completely agree, except I also dislike the climate.
Phaedra | Berea, SC | Report Abuse

Mmmm, maybe the neighbors aren't friendly because you apparently feel you are more important and more intelligent than they.
Linda | Poughkeepsie, NY | Report Abuse

Well you at least help me decide that Asheville is apparently not the place for a christian, conservative, patriotic ,community college educated simple person such as I to retire from downstate NY. Thanks for the insight.
Linda | Poughkeepsie, NY | Report Abuse

Wow! This is extremely helpful. Coming from NYC would be too much of a culture shock for me. I've read stories, of course, about the primitive fundamentalists, but I assumed they were the occasional isolate, not the whole town. People who think the earth is 5,000 years old and who don't believe in evolutionm- wow! Just...wow! Aren't there any colleges there?
Lacey | New York, NY | Report Abuse

To all the people who don't live in Greenville, SC saying this person might just be an asshole for some reason......has never lived in Greenville,SC.....???????? My neighbors constantly gossip about us. We live in the Wade Hampton/Greenville area. We've just had to realize it's the norm... I was born/raised here and my mom is from Arizona and it was a huge shock for her (and me tbh). Why do they care so much about our lives!???! It's creepy. If you move to Greenville, just know that you'll most likely have delusional, psycho neighbors who feed on your drama...Like I'm sitting outside my house very aware that my neighbors are across the street and have nothing better to do. It's just creepy.
LYDIA | Greenville, SC | Report Abuse

You're right. Ignore the "christian, conservative, patriotic ,community college educated simple person". This is con-speak for "I want to shove my superstition down your throat, I don't care about anyone but myself, I'm blind to any problems that my country may have, therefore, I am against doing anything to solve them, and I went to community college but I learned nothing and I am against knowledge and education." Poughkeepsie, New York, is too good for this person.
Janice | Gantt, SC | Report Abuse

Tracy, I have also lived in London and all over the world in fact. I have resided in Florida for 20 years, and just catch wait to get back to SC. You are right...people in Florida don't gossip because they don't talk to each other...at all. Those that do are looking at undermining anything you do. Thank God you are moving to Asheville...you belong with the pot smoking hippies.
Sonny | Pelzer, SC | Report Abuse

Hey Bcat. You are right, you are not a stranger in Asheville, as everyone hanging out is high and don't even know who you are....LOL...that is hilarious. I have friends in Asheville who say that it is not over the top. They are leaving Asheville and moving to Greenville. Now I know why so many people are leaving Asheville. People like you are moving in...
Sonny | Pelzer, SC | Report Abuse

who cares one lights what they like who are we to cry on them for there dislikes..gober you idiot!!
Jonathan | Seminole, FL | Report Abuse

it is good that you are moving. If you don't like it here then you should go. I have never liked it here as well, but I have too many roots to go anywhere else. True, it is hard to make friends here, people here are basically rude and cant drive worth a crap. As far as religion is concerned, you are completely wrong on how you believe. All you have to do is read the bible. God plainly speaks against the things that are going on in this world today. Same sex marriage, people changing there sex because they feel something. I don't care what you add or take away from your body, when you stand before God at judgement you will be as you were born. The morals in this country have gone to hell in a hand basket. Evolution is a myth. I did not come from a monkey and no one else did. If this was true, why are we not evolving anymore? If evolution were true, then monkeys would still be turning into people. The human body is too complex to have happened by chance. We were created this way. I agree it is wrong to be rude and critical of people. Asheville is a very nice place. I finished high school not far from there. Moved here because of work and will be retiring sometime this year. But you will find, depending on what part of Asheville you go to, that the religious beliefs are the same. Something to think about and I would suggest you sit down and study the Bible, not listen to people and see what God really says about this world today. Like yours, just my opinion.
L | Wade Hampton, SC | Report Abuse
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